Cheminade: France Has Lost a Battle;
We Shall Win the War
May 6, 2007 (EIRNS)—The following is a draft translation of a statement issued in Paris today by Lyndon LaRouche associate Jacques Cheminade.
Do not try to hide it. The election of Nicolas Sarkozy is a disaster for France and Europe. It signifies four things:
1) The end of the French exception in foreign policy, and our submission to the financial oligarchy's rule. For Nicolas Sarkozy indeed won, thanks to the support of the main American, British and French media which almost unanimously endorsed him.
2) The confirmation of our economic dependency, because the policy of our new president will be that of the market, in the context of a Paris Stock Market under the control of the New York Stock Exchange and of foreign capital dominating the CAC 40, notably since Nicolas Sarkozy was Budget Minister under Edouard Balladur.
3) The labeling and political surveillance of French citizens, by the multiplication of surveillance cameras, the integration of the STIC (local police) and JUDEX (national police) files, the extension of DNA labeling (which is actually contemplated for the case of two kids who are less than 12 years old), the use of biometric passports and the detection of "high risk" children. A man who, in this situation, believes in genetic determinism is a danger to public liberties.
4) The sabotage of the whole Eurasian policy, which is our future, for Nicolas Sarkozy supports the wrong America, the one of Cheney and Bush, and criticizes Putin's Russia, who speaks of Roosevelt and de Gaulle. He is against all dirigist economic policies, such as those that Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lyndon LaRouche, Charles De Gaulle, Pierre Mendes-France, and I myself have supported. He cannot but sabotage the retooling of the world economy.
France has thus lost a battle. The socialist organizers have too often fought without the intention of victory — we have observed lots of leaflets not distributed in their offices — and the left (excluding the socialists) did not mobilize its forces against the intolerable. An impotent cynicism infected both. For our part, with our small means, our 120,000 leaflets, our posters — "No to a Sarko-Maso France" — and our enthusiasm, we have done everything we could to get Segolene Royal elected, our only thinkable choice. We are happy with what we've done.
In the middle of the coming storms, we are preparing a fight of organized non-violence from a European and international perspective. The New Bretton Woods, the Eurasian Land-bridge, a culture of life not of death, a dialogue of civilizations, religions and humanism are our yardsticks. Our website offers everything that changes in the world, and all that we are changing.
We propose to cooperate with every resistance movement which fights positively with ideas and proposals, without violence or resentment. We want to reestablish a republican sensitivity, a culture of the creative capabilities of the human being, that of Marie Curie and Louis Pasteur, of Jean Jaures and Jean Moulin, as opposed to the financial counterculture of the violent videogames, of show business, of gambling (from lottery to financial derivatives) and of marketed sex, which destroys the morality and the culture of the population while financial globalization destroys its standards of living.
We are an international movement. It is our strength. We are proud of it. For to defeat Nicolas Sarkozy, who is the product of the support of the international financial forces, an international movement opposed to it is required.
If we focus on the result of the lost battle, we can give up in impotence or violence. It would be putting ourselves at the level of the adversary. We must elevate the level of the debate to the European and world stage. We are doing it. For it is in France's historical mission, which is a universal one, that the defeat of Mr. Sarkozy and those who are backing him will be written. We will win the war. With our youth movement, and with our eyes set on the future.