LaRouche's Cadre School with Ibero-America
Invokes Renaissance of Creativity
July 30, 2007 (EIRNS)—The Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) issued the following release today.
In a cadre school presentation on July 28, Lyndon LaRouche directly addressed 45-50 people in Ibero-America—largely youth—in Argentina, Colombia and Mexico, provoking enormous excitement and intellectual ferment among the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) members and youth contacts who participated. As LaRouche was speaking, about 50 more LYM members at a location in Virginia joined him, in person. The event capped a week of intense activity in the Washington area by LaRouche PAC and the LYM, including the July 25 webcast, where the ouster of Dick Cheney and stopping the threat of the August war on Iran were featured. The Saturday event broadened the battle to the entire Western hemisphere, with simultaneous translations to, and from, Spanish.
In Argentina 8 contacts joined 6 LYM members for an entire weekend of classes at a retreat, which was highlighted by Lyn's presentation on Saturday afternoon. The rest of the time was playfully spent investigating music, astronomy, and the literary works of Cervantes.
In Mexico City, about 10 LYM members with as many youth contacts, along with a half dozen elder members and contacts, listened to LaRouche's presentation. His discussion of how truthful ideas can be communicated by music, provoked an ongoing, heavy debate with some the contacts, including the one who had asked a question on that subject. Afterwards, 4 of the youth contacts went out to deploy with the LYM.
And in Bogotá, 13 members and contacts participated in the cadre school. After nearly 3 hours, they were left with about 16 questions remaining, and they will be sending them in writing, awaiting LaRouche's replies.
A transcript of this many-faceted, bi-lingual event will be available in the near future.