FARC's British Puppet-Masters Want Regime Change, or War, in Colombia
Jan. 3, 2008 (EIRNS)—In the wake of the hostage-release fiasco which Hugo Chavez and his British puppet-masters orchestrated over New Year's, this crowd is now openly pushing for regime change in Colombia, to oust President Uribe Velez and plunge the entire region into chaos.
There are several events that make this clear.
Venezuela's Bolivarian News Agency (ABN) today published a Dec. 24 letter by FARC leader Manuel Marulanda (aka "Tirofijo") in which he blamed the Colombian military for the failure of the hostage-release operation, and boasted that Uribe had been unable to stop the FARC's "protagonism"—its active public role in the country. He then confidently warned that soon, Uribe would have an even harder time preventing "certain governments" from recognizing the FARC as a legitimate belligerant force.
The Colombian narco-terrorists have long sought such "belligerant status" from international bodies. Were this to be granted now, even by individual governments, it would confer legitimacy on the group, and effectively set up a situation of dual power in the country. The FARC justifies this demand by asserting, as it does in a Dec. 18 release, that the Uribe government itself is illegitimate and corrupt, answering only to the "Empire" and sustained by drug-linked paramilitary forces.
It would appear that Venezuela and Nicaragua are lining up to grant the FARC the status it seeks. Chavez agrees with Marulanda's characterization of Uribe as a U.S. toady, and on Dec. 18, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega chimed in, charging that Colombia is now a country fully occupied by U.S. troops, and acts as a "neo-imperialist." The FARC's Marulanda, he said, is "my brother."
From Bogota, EIR's bureau chief Max Londono warned that all of these elements add up to a very dangerous situation, in which war between Colombia and Venezuela is not to be ruled out. In such a conflict, he said, it would be Chavez and the FARC lined up against Uribe.