Danish Schiller Institute Testifies on Financial Collapse and LaRouche's New Bretton Woods
COPENHAGEN, Jan. 12, 2008 (EIRNS)—Schiller Institute (SI) in Denmark chairman Tom Gillesberg, and a SI delegation, is scheduled to give testimony to the Danish Parliament Political and Economic Committee on Thursday, Jan. 17 at 12:30 p.m. Central European Time (CET), some hours before Lyndon LaRouche's international webcast at 7:00 p.m. CET (1:00 p.m. Eastern Time). Gillesberg will describe the ongoing international financial collapse, LaRouche's New Bretton Woods solution, including the support in the U.S. for the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act, and urge the Danish Parliament to act to both protect the Danish economy and citizens, and facilitate establishing an international NBW agreement.
Gillesberg and the Schiller Institute delegation had been scheduled to appear before the committee on Oct. 25, 2007, which was postponed when parliamentary elections were called on Oct. 24 and held on Nov. 13. Gillesberg and three other Schiller Institute activists ran for Parliament, bringing this discussion into the campaign, under the slogan, "After the Financial Crash: Maglev Across the Kattegat." A maglev train link over a new bridge across the Kattegat Sea is the first stage of the SI's proposed national maglev plan. There was significant national press coverage of both the SI's warning of financial collapse and the maglev idea.
Danish citizens and organizations may request permission to testify before many parliamentary committees, and present written material. In conjunction with the two requests, the following material is posted on the Danish Parliament's website:
- Tom Gillesberg's prepared speech for the Oct. 25, 2007 testimony (which was cancelled) and an article "The Bubble Burst."
- LaRouche's HBPA and support for it.
- Extensive coverage of the international financial collapse in Prometheus, the SI in Denmark's newsletter
- Helga Zepp-LaRouche's call for a NBW, and signers
- LaRouche's speech to the Chinese conference in Los Angeles
- The Xinhua press release about LaRouche's speech
- LaRouche's speech (excerpts) to the Kiedrich Conference
- LaRouche's article about a "Capital Budget"
- John Hoefle's article "Debt Is Not an Asset."
To see the material, go to , and search [soeg] for "Schiller Instituttet." There are documents for several sessions (2006-7; 2007-8, 1; and 2007-8, 2)