And Now, Mootings of Bloomberg-Obama Ticket
Feb. 14, 2008 (EIRNS)—Those who thought that Lyndon LaRouche's "Democratic option" for the Bloomberg option was inconceivable, look at this.
With the "flirt" Michael Bloomberg increasingly being covered in the media, in the context of the "deadlock" between Obama and Clinton, the idea of an "independent" Bloomberg-Obama ticket has now been floated. In a piece by Armstrong Williams on on Feb. 14, there appears the following report under the title "Obama the Independent?":
"The word on the street is that the Obama camp and New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg have already met and devised an incredible plan if Clintion wins the nominee. Mayor Bloomberg would give nearly $1 billion to Obama's campaign after which Obama would bolt form the Democratic Party and run as an independent candidate with kingmaker Bloomberg as his running mate."
It is known, in fact, that Obama had a secret breakfast meeting with Bloomberg back in November of 2007. As for the rest....