Obama-Rezko-Auchi Scandal
Exposed in CQ
Feb. 28, 2008 (EIRNS)—The noted Republican Party strategist and author Richard Whalen, who now writes a regular column for Congressional Quarterly's online political newsletter, penned a devastating exposé of the Barak Obama-Rezko-Auchi scandal today. The CQ story, titled "Obama and the Billionaire" revealed, "A new headache for Senator Obama has surfaced that could have devastating impact on his presidential campaign. According to The Times of London a British-Iraqi billionaire lent millions of dollars to Obama's fundraising effort only weeks before an imprudent land deal."
After quoting extensively from the Feb. 26, 2008 Times of London story, and noting the pro-Obama bias of the U.S. media coverage of Obama's duel with Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party presidential nomination, Whalen concluded, "We know less about Barak Obama and his political connections than we have known about any other candidate for the presidency in the past half century.... Obama's media honeymoon may be over. A veteran journalist who covers Obama regularly provided this snapshot: 'He's not at all as he appears on television. he's cold, distant and tightly wound. But when the red light goes on the TV cameras, he's all charm and self-discipline in his choice of words. This story," he ended, "is not going away. The Rezko-Auchi connection is sure to trigger overdue press scrutiny when Rezko's trial begins on March 3. Obama's name could figure in the trial although he is not accused of any wrongdoing."