`Reconstruction After the Financial Crash': Kiedrich Conference Book Published
March 5, 2008 (EIRNS)—A German-language book on the international Schiller Institute conference on "The World Land-Bridge" in Kiedrich, Germany last September, is out, in a run of 3,000 copies. It provides excellent ammunition to organize people around Lyndon LaRouche's international development perspective, against the new dark age plans of the oligarchy. The book, which has a very optimistic, beautiful cover design with a collage of the world land-bridge and the Bering Strait Tunnel illustrated by Hal Cooper, contains the full proceedings of the Sept. 15-16, 2007 conference and other documentary material; it has 304 pages and a 16-page full-color section. It can be purchased for 10 euros by sending an e-mail to
[Some of the proceedings appeared in Executive Intelligence Review's Sept. 28, Oct. 5, and Oct. 12, 2007 issues.]
The book is introduced by Helga Zepp-LaRouche's piece on the end of the free market economy and her call for "laws to save the common good!" The main part is ordered according to the different panels of the conference: I) Helga and Lyndon LaRouche's speeches; discussion; II) Russia as the keystone nation of Eurasia (speeches by Prof. Menshikov, Dr. Razbegin, Dr. Krupnow/Ilnur Batyrshin, Dr. Cherkassov); III) Projects of the Eurasian Land-Bridge (Dr. Hal Cooper, Dr. Heiskanen, Dr. Galloni; discussion); IV) The shaping of mankind's future (Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Prof. Mojtadeh, Prof. Kedidi, Dr. Beckmann, Pierre Chiquet, and the Kiedrich resolution); V) A new orientation for civilization (Amelia Boynton Robinson, Jacques Cheminade); VI) the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) panel; and the final discussion with Lyndon LaRouche. A list of papers, which had been additionally submitted to the conference, is attached in the end.
A second, documentary part on the "Fight for a New Bretton Woods System and a worldwide 'New Deal' " includes Lyndon LaRouche's speech in Los Angeles at the Institute for Sinostrategic Studies last November and the press coverage; an updated article on the mobilization for the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act; a call by Helga Zepp-LaRouche to save the General Welfare; an article by Rainer Apel on the fight for a worldwide maglev network; the New Bretton Woods Appeal (plus signers, selection of old and the new ones, with the impressive list from France), and, in the end a 16-page colored part with pictures of the conference, the future revolutionary technologies and development projects. The layout was done by German LaRouche Youth Movement member Andreas Lelke.