On Eve of FAO Meeting, Strong S. Amer. Support for Helga Zepp-LaRouche Call, and New Opposition to Biofuels
June 1, 2008 (EIRNS)—Congressmen from several leading nations of Ibero-America have endorsed Helga Zepp-LaRouche's Schiller Institute call on the Rome FAO Conference, to meet the global good crisis by changing policies in order to double food production. And Ibero-American nations at the Rome conference will demand a moratorium on biofuels production worldwide, A Honduran FAO representative told a radio broadcast with Helga Zepp-LaRouche on May 29.
New backers for the Schiller Institute call (read the call by Helga Zepp-LaRouche) include:
- Argentine Congressman Alberto Cantero, Chairman of the Agriculture and Livestock Committee of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies
- Congressman Gerardo Villaneuva Albarrán, Revolutionary Democratic Party, Mexico
- Everto Diaz, President of the Unitary Agricultural Trade Union Federation (FENSUAGRO) of Colombia
- Jorge Mora, International Affairs Director of the Land, Housing and Habitat Federation of Argentina
Worldwide Support
Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche's call is reported prominently today in an article on the FAO conference in the Egyptian government newspaper Al Ahram, which otherwise reports Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's plans to push at the Rome summit for big food production increases and an halt to biofuels diversion. The call has been joined by professional, trade union, and political organizations and leaders from the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia—and been posted on many scientific and political websites in Russia. It has quickly gotten the backing of 40 elected officials in the United States:
- State Senator Joe Neal (former), North Las Vegas, Nevada
- Fred Huenefeld, Chairman of the Boeuf River Soil and Water Conservation District, and Trustee of the Louisiana Realtors Political Action Committee, Board Member of Schiller Institute.
- Thomas Trigona, Mayor, City of Johnstown, Pa.
- Kareem Johnson, Council Vice President, City of Coatesville, Pa.
- Marcia Goodman-Hinnershitz, Council Member, City of Reading, Pa.
- State Rep. Harold James of Pennsylvania
- Rep. Thomas Jackson, Chair House Agriculture Committee, Alabama House of Representatives, Thomasville Al.
- Sen. Joey Pendleton, Minority Whip, Kentucky Senate; Hopkinsville, Ky
- Rep. Catherine Barrett (former); Cincinnati, Oh
- Rep. LaMar Lemmons III (former); Detroit, Mi.
- Ross Neidich, City Council of Bradford, Pennsylvania
- Bob Onuffer, City Council of Bradford, Pennsylvania
- Anthony Pinizzotto, City Council of Johnstown, Pennsylvania
- Joan Seymour, President, Southfield, Michigan City Council
- Rep. Larry Bell, Vice-Chair House Agriculture Committee, North Carolina House of Representatives, Clinton, North Carolina.
- Diane Bernardo, Council Member, City of Dubois, Pennsylvania
- Gloria Martin Roberts, Council Member, City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
- Barbara O'Neil Lane, Council Member, City of Duquesne, Pennsylvania
- William Reese, Council Member, Borough of East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
- Judith M. Livingston, Republican State Rep from Manchester, VT
- Karen Dolan, Council Member, City of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
- Robert Gaughan, Council Member, Borough of Lansford, Pennsylvania
- Kevin Troup, Council Member, City of Sunbury, Pennsylvania
- Richard Reedy, Council Member, Borough of Kittanning, Pennsylvania
- John Wheeler, Council Member, Borough of Wellsboro, Pennsylvania
- Jean Belinski, Council Member, City of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
- Vergie Werner, Council member, Borough of Tyrone, Pennsylvania
- Tom King, Council member, Borough of Sayre, Pennsylvania
- Charles Aikens, Council member, Borough of Bellefonte, Pennsylania
- Guy Ferguson, Bradford County Democratic Party Chair, Hillary Clintion delegate, 9th CD., Pennsylvania
- Martin Lewis Eggleston, Council member, City of Coatesville, Pennsylvania
- Frank Jacobs, Carbon County Democratic Party Chair; Council member, Nesquehoning, Pennsylvania
- Anthony Petaccia, Mayor, City of Monessen, Pennsylvania
- Jeremy Melber, Council member, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
- Councilor Jorge Gonzalez, City of Lawrence, MA
- Assemblyman William F. Boyland, Brooklyn, NY
- State Sen. Antoine M. Thompson, Buffalo, NY
- Councilor Jorge Gonzalez, City of Lawrence, MA