Mexican Congressmen Line Up
To Sign LaRouche Food Call
MEXICO CITY, June 5, 2008 (EIRNS)—As of this evening, six sitting Congressmen (one Senator and five Deputies), plus two former Congressmen, have signed Helga Zepp-LaRouche's call for an international mobilization to double world food production, and crush the WTO. All the Congressional signators, so far, are from the opposition Revolutionary Democratic Party (PRD). They include:
- Sen. Carlos Navarrete Ruiz, coordinator of the PRD Parliamentary group;
- Rep. Carlos Navarro López, chairman of the Rural Development Committee, who is playing a leading role in the fight for the PLHINO project, including holding a press conference with the LaRouche movement-founded Pro-PLHINO Committee in Hermosillo, Sonora on June 3, to expose opposition to the vitally needed water project by the malthusian head of the National Water Commission;
- Rep. Celso Pulido, a member of the Agriculture and Livestock Committee;
- Rep. Arturo Fernel Gálvez Rodríguez, who serves on the Agrarian Reform Committee;
- Rep. Gerardo Villanueva Albarrán;
- Rep. Ana Yurixi Leyva Piñón;
- Former Rep. Agustín Rodríguez F., Secretary General of the UNAM Workers Union (STUNAM); and
- Former Rep. Eric E. Villanueva Mukul, Vice President of the PRD National Council.
Labor, Grassroots Leaders Joining In
The majority of the above signers, and the heads of important grassroots organizations reported below who also signed, were organized by members of the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) attending the June 4 National Meeting for Food Sovereignty and the Rights of Workers, organized by the PRD. The LYM was invited by a young Congressman, who was enthusiastic at the idea of organizing enough popular forces to get Congress to ACT on the food crisis. This Congress, he reported, had appropriated one of the largest budgets ever for agriculture this year, and yet halfway through the planting season, the Calderon government has yet to buy any fertilizer!
Also adding their names to the Schiller Institute chairwoman's call from that meeting were:
- Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo, interim national president of the PRD;
- Arturo Delfín Loya, Secretary General of the Nuclear Workers Union (SUTIN);
- Dr. Enrique Serrano Gálvez, Director of Research and Postgraduate Studies at Mexico's premier agricultural research center, the Autonomous University of Chapingo, where Norman Bourlaug carried out his original Green Revolution research;
- Gumersindo Juárez Mendoza, from the FEPUN peasant organization;
- Said López de Olmoz Martínez, Coordinator General of the Huasteco Democrático Movement, which is fighting to get water projects built in their stated, of San Luis Potosí; and
- Jaime Vázquez Peralta, Technical Secretary of the State Reform Commission.