Rosatom Chief Kiriyenko Presents Russian Proposal to G8 in German Daily Paper:
Nuclear Energy for the Developing Nations!
July 7, 2008 (EIRNS)—Sergei Kiriyenko, head of Rosatom, writes a very concise guest editorial today in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) under the title, "Nuclear Power Can Help Developing Countries," which, besides being an outline for the Russian G8 summit, is also an important intervention into Germany, where the government is sticking to its anti-nuclear line, peddling plans for another 30 "wind-parks" in the German Baltic and North Sea areas.
Kiriyenko makes the point in this psychologically very well written op-ed, that while "nuclear energy is not the only answer," it is "without doubt one of the most important instruments" to solve the problems, which the G8 meeting has put on its agenda in Japan: the global food crisis, global warming and the disproportional distribution of funds for development (i.e. the situation in Africa).
He starts by indirectly exposing as liars those, who claim to be for "the climate," if they continue to ban nuclear power. Using nuclear energy, Europe already "saves" 700 million tons of CO2 output, Japan 270 million tons, and Russia, which is going to increase its percentage of nuclear electricity production by 16-20/25% by 2030, would thus decrease its CO2 emissions by 10-15%. He stresses, that these are not only plans, but the money for these plants has been allocated already.
Then, he goes into the importance of nuclear energy for developing nations. With the already existing development of small and medium-size nuclear reactors, countries in Africa, "which so far had been disadvantaged, since they do not have a developed electricity grid," have that chance now. "Especially developing countries can draw a dual advantage from nuclear power, since the cooling energy can be used for desalination of water, which would contribute to a solution of the food crisis in Africa."
Kiriyenko's argument resonates with that of leading American economist Lyndon LaRouche, who argues that only with nuclear energy, can economic genocide in the developing sector be avoided.
"Access to secure and cheap energy is a crucial precondition for the sustainable development of any nation. A growing number of industrialized and threshold countries are recognizing the necessity of peaceful use of nuclear energy on their territory. By 2030 worldwide there will be 600 new reactors in operation."
Lastly, he outlines, how Russia is working to initiate a new security system for development of nuclear energy and for the implementation of increased measures against the proliferation of nuclear weapons, including a delivery network of nuclear fuel." Russia has built the first of such centers in Angark. "Angarsk will—under control of the IAEA—have a minimum reserve of low-enriched uranium and therefore grant every country, independently of any political considerations, a secure delivery of nuclear elements." Hopefully this would also lead to the abolition of artificial trade barriers in Europe and the U.S. concerning dual-use clauses, he says.
So nervous nellies and eco-freaks can calm down, while politicians should finally break free from the post-1989 British-French imposed technological apartheid policy against Germany.