Soros: I Oppose Regulation;
Congress Too Dumb
July 10 (EIRNS)—In the same July 9 National Public Radio "On Point" interview on WBUR, webcast worldwide, in which he denounced LaRouche's exposure of his crimes, George Soros categorically opposed returning to the pre-1970s sovereign government regulation of finance.
"I don't think that we should go back to the over-regulated conditions that prevailed in the aftermath of the Great Depression," Soros said. "So I'm not in favor of regulation, as such.... Markets are better than regulators, because markets are more flexible...."
Soros remarked, with the disdain of the emperor who expects to own any regulators, "I testified before Congress recently, and I must say I was quite negatively impressed with the understanding of the legislators who are actually making those rules."