Soros Owns the Court Indicting Bashir
July 15, 2008 (EIRNS)—Billionaire speculator George Soros funds the International Criminal Court at the Hague, which is seeking to arrest Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir. Though the Court is affiliated with the United Nations, George Soros largely directed the lobbying campaign that led to the Court's creation in 2002-2003. The Court's charge of "genocide" against President Bashir carries the special irony that its sponsor, Soros, once worked for the Adolf Eichmann apparatus carrying out the extermination of the Jews of Hungary in 1944.
Soros's Open Society Institute published (March 19, 2008) brief accounts of its Justice Initiative grant recipients:
"International Criminal Court: The Justice Initiative works closely with the International Criminal Court (ICC), helping it function as efficiently and effectively as possible. Among other activities, the Justice Initiative assists local human rights advocates in gathering and presenting information of use to the ICC, pursues advocacy and public education with governments to secure support for the ICC, and contributes to building the capacity of ICC staff on a range of issues."
The Soros organization also directly funded another agency at the Hague, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, which prosecuted and judicially murdered Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.
The three primary funders of the current International Criminal Court are 1) George Soros; 2) the British empire through the United Kingdom's Foreign and Commonwealth Office; and 3) the European Union's "European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights," whose initiatives are enmeshed with and co-managed by the Soros apparatus.
The International Criminal Court's offices are in the capital of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, by arrangement with the Dutch government and in close cooperation with the Dutch royal family. Princess Mabel of Orange Nassau, daughter-in-law of Queen Beatrix, is a Soros employee, who runs his relations with the European Union. The Princess herself ran Balkans political-military intrigues in conjunction with Dutch lawyer Phon van den Biesen, who represented Bosnia at the Hague when Bosnia charged Serbia with genocide.
On January 22, 2007, Princess Mabel told The Hague International Model United Nations assembly, on behalf of the Soros Open Society Institute, that "we pushed for the creation of the International Criminal Court, which is now based in The Hague and turning this city into the international capital for justice. These courts send a clear message to presidents ... like those in Rwanda and Cambodia and right now in Darfur.... My husband [Prince Friso] sat right here during his school days, just like you...."
Soros finances and largely controls the "Coalition for the International Criminal Court" which lobbied for the ICC's creation and now helps direct ICC activities. Richard Dicker of Soros's "Human Rights Watch" group is a founder and permanent steering comittee member of the Coalition. (The Soros-funded Coalition is headed by William Pace, executive director of the Soros-funded World Federalism Movement.)
The London Guardian wrote (Feb. 12, 2004) sardonically about the Milosevic trial, "Richard Dicker, the trial's observer for Human Rights Watch, announced himself 'impressed' by the prosecution's case. Cynics might say that as George Soros, Human Rights Watch's benefactor, finances the tribunal, Dicker might not be expected to say anything else."
On December 14, 2005, Soros's Open Society Institute brought their International Criminal Court Prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, to New York for a public forum on the Court. Their press release explained,
"Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the International Criminal Court's Chief Prosecutor, described the role of the Court in preventing atrocities ... Moreno-Ocampo's visit to OSI was part of the Restoring American Leadership roundtable series, a project of OSI and the Security and Peace Initiative, which is a joint initiative of the Center for American Progress and The Century Foundation....
"Moreno-Ocampo was in New York City to address the United Nations Security Council, where he presented a progress report detailing the latest developments in the Court's investigations into war crimes in Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Sudan."