EIR Reported EU Bureaucrats Were Pushing War With Russia
Aug. 8, 2008 (EIRNS)—The following press release was issued today by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee.
Most European nations were reported by knowledgeable sources to have been well aware of Georgia's plans to attack South Ossetia, which opened the door to the war now developing on the southern flank of Russia. The Irish defeat of the Lisbon Treaty notwithstanding, ideologues of Britain's "imperial European Union" plans have been actively working in support of precisely this conflict, as a central element of British efforts to transform Europe into a military camp deployed for confrontation with Russia.
In the June 20, 2008 issue of EIR, Rachel Douglas warned of what was being put in place:
"EU leaders have stepped up their challenges to Russian interests, by asserting their prerogative to act inside the former Soviet Union. Lisbon Treaty or no, the apostles of the EU as Empire intend to make it the arbiter of relations in East Central Europe, eclipsing the United Nations in places where the UN, or Russia under a UN mandate, has played a role since the 1990s. The result is an aggravation of tensions that threaten to pull Russia's southwest border areas, especially the Caucasus region, into a general escalation of warfare across Eurasia," she wrote (see full article).
Under EU Secretary General Javier Solana's direction, the EU set up a diplomatic group which traveled to the autonomous regions of Transdniestria, in Moldova, and South Ossetia and Abkhazia, in Georgia, and arranged visits to Brussels and London, by leaders they were cultivating from these so-called "unrecognized republics." In this effort, the EU group has been working closely with Georgia's fervent "Rose Revolution" leader, President Michael Saakashvili, who himself proclaimed last May: "We are the fighting ground for a new world war."
Likewise, the Georgian position, reiterated by its representative to the United Nations in the emergency Security Council meeting convened at Russian insistence in the early hours of August 8, is that Georgia offers South Ossetia autonomy, but along "European lines," with international guarantees. This "European-style autonomy" is the strategy elaborated by the open British agent, Ivan Krastev of Bulgaria's Centre for Liberal Strategies, who is active in both the Balkans and the Caucasuses.
Krastev proclaims that the "post-modern European order," which has no nation-states, must inevitably clash with Russia, because Russia "embodies the nostalgia both for the old-European nation-state, and for a European order organized around the balance of power and non-interference in the domestic affairs of other states" ("Russia vs. Europe: The Sovereignty Wars," September 2007).
Was it, then, a coincidence, that Britain's Ambassador to Georgia was in South Ossetia on August 6, where he was told by South Ossetia President Eduard Kokoity, that they had irrefutable evidence that the Saakashvili regime in Georgia planned large-scale military action against South Ossetia?