Soros, Enemy of Nations, Was Behind Georgia's `Democracy' Revolution
Aug. 9, 2008 (EIRNS)—Following his service to his British masters in the Balkan wars of 1990-91, George Soros convened a series of meetings inside Serbia, that were to launch the "Rose Revolution," the "Orange Revolution," and the series of phony democracy insurgencies designed to undermine nation-states and create a "ring around Russia" for a future British-inspired confrontation. One of the key operations run by Soros, as indicated in a LaRouche Political Action Committee press release, "LaRouche Denounces `Obama's Godfather' George Soros," was to topple Georgia President Eduard Shevardnadze, and bring in Mikhail Saakashvili, the Colombia University-trained project of Soros's "Open Society Institute."
From 1994 to 2004, Soros's various projects and subprojects of the Open Society Institute, including the Central Eurasian Project (CEP) and the Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF), spent at least $40 million to topple Shevardnaze.
Early in 2003, Soros began a full operation to activate the "democracy" shock troops for the takeover of Georgia. The Canadian daily Globe and Mail provided a vivid account in November 2003:
"Dateline Tbilisi—It was back in February that billionaire financier George Soros began laying the brickwork for the toppling of Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze.
"That month, funds from his Open Society Institute sent a 31-year-old Tbilisi activist named Giga Bokeria to Serbia to meet with members of the Otpor (Resistance) movement and learn how they used street demonstrations to topple dictator Slobodan Milosevic. Then, in the summer, Mr. Soros's foundation paid for a return trip to Georgia by Otpor activists, who ran three-day courses teaching more than 1,000 students how to stage a peaceful revolution.
"Last weekend, the Liberty Institute that Mr. Bokeria helped found was instrumental in organizing the street protests that eventually forced Mr. Shevardnadze to sign his resignation papers. Mr. Bokeria says it was in Belgrade that he learned ... how to make use of public pressure tactics that proved so persuasive on the streets of Tbilisi after this month's tainted parliamentary election."
Georgia was not the only "colored" revolution whose Jacobin shock troops were trained by Soros. The play has been repeated in Ukraine and other former nations of the Soviet bloc.
When Saakashvili came to power in 2004, it was the duo of billionaire Soros and the then UN Deputy Secretary General Mark Malloch Brown (now Lord Malloch Brown, Secretary General of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office) who provided multi-million dollar grants to every Saakashvili government official from the top Cabinet posts to the "lowliest police officer," journalist Mark Almond reported on November 14, 2007. In the same article, posted on his own and many other websites, Almond noted that Saakashvili's well-paid (at $1,000 per month, adjusted for the dollar collapse) police forces were the club-wielding enforcers of Saakashvili's moves against the opposition in the 2007 Georgia elections.
Merger of Soros and the Empah?
Lord Mark Malloch Brown is not merely a Soros collaborator and New York house guest, who helped enhance Soros' anti-nation- state warchest with United Nations monies—he is George Soros' business partner.
In April 2007, Malloch Brown was appointed vice-chairman of Soros' hedge fund company, the Quantum Fund, from whence Soros' billions come. The London Financial Times reported that "Sir Mark [now Lord Malloch Brown] will also serve as vice-chairman of the billionaire philanthropist's Open Society Institute, which promotes democracy and human rights, particularly in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union."
The Financial Times added in a May 1, 2007 article that, "In a letter to shareholders in his Quantum hedge funds, Mr. Soros said Sir Mark would provide advice on a variety of issues to him and his two sons, who now run the company on a day-to-day basis. With his extensive international contacts, Malloch Brown will help create opportunities for [Soros Fund Management] and the fund around the world."
Now, Lord Malloch Brown is the Secretary General of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Has he formally left the Quantum Fund and Open Society Institute? As if it matters.