Soros's `Ex-Presidents' Cartel' Promotes Drugs
BOGOTA, Sept. 3 (EIRNS)—The second meeting of the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy run by George Soros's "ex-Presidents cartel" of Brazil's Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Colombia's Cesar Gaviria, and Mexico's Ernesto Zedillo, opened here today with none other than Soros's personal drug legalization hitman, Ethan Nadelmann, personally on hand to run the show.
Nadelmann, today Executive Director of the Drug Policy Alliance, the leading drug legalization organization in the United States, has run Soros's international war for legalization full-time since 1994, when he set up the Open Society Institute's drug-pushing unit, the Lindesmith Center, for Soros. Nadelmann argues flatly that people should use all kinds of narcotics, including those which are highly addictive, "in a recreational fashion without severe consequences," if they so chose.
The 18-member commission held its first meeting in Rio de Janeiro in April 2008, with financing from Soros's Open Society Institute, and participation by by several other Soros legalization activists, parading as "experts." The Commission's stated mission is to draft a paper to be submitted to the March 2009 global strategy meeting of the U.N.'s Commission on Narcotic Drugs, which they state from the outset will oppose "U.S. repressive strategies" against drugs, in favor of "the European model" of decriminalization. This, Soros's commission asserts, represent a "unified Latin American position."
In their press conference opening the two day, closed door confab, former Presidents Gaviria and Cardoso, joined by Commission member Sergio Ramírez, former Vice President of Nicaragua, tried to paint the commission as merely driven by a concern for the rule of law and human rights. Others were more blunt. El Tiempo, Colombia's leading newspaper, run by Liberal Party interests associated with Gaviria, let the cat out of the bag with an editorial today welcoming the commission as an effort to end "repressive strategies" against production as well as and consumption of illegal drugs.
The presence of LaRouche organizers at the opening press conference threw the commissioners into panic. Although only pre-arranged questions were permitted, the LaRouche activists distributed copies of its statement exposing the genocidal, dope-driven purpose of this commission founded and funded by the Nazi-trained Soros (see "Stop Soros and the British Project to Legalize Drugs!") to commission members, handful of invited guests, and the largely-pro-legalization journalists present. In short order, the organizers were ordered to stop distributing any documents not authorized by the commission, stripped of their press credential, and goons escorted the president of the Lyndon LaRouche Association of Colombia, Maximiliano Londoño, out the door of the hotel itself.