PLHINO Campaign Breaks Into Mexico's National Press
Sept. 5, 2008 (EIRNS)—Late yesterday, Mexico's daily El Universal posted an article under the headline "PLHINO Presented to Combat Food Crisis and Price Increases." Covering the discussions by the Pro-PLHINO Committee at the University of Chapingo a week earlier, the article was then picked by Vanguardia, a regional daily in Coahuila state, as well as by the national Notimex news service.
The Universal article is obviously being used as a feed for other regional media. It includes details on how the PLHINO project would work, "to incorporate a million hectares of cultivatable land" into the food production process, and quotes Alberto Vizcarra, the long-time LaRouche associate who is the Pro-PLHINO Committee's secretary, explaining that national production of wheat and corn could be doubled, were the PLHINO to be built. This is far preferable, Vizcarra said, to Mexico shelling out $20 billion for imports of food that once were produced domestically.
El Universal also quotes engineer Manuel Frias Alcaraz, who has devised and carried out most of the studies on the PLHINO, noting how the project would transform vast lands in the south-central part of Sonora, making them usable for agricultural and cattle-raising activities, in order to supply the entire country with food.
(For more on the PLHINO, see "Mexico's PLHINO Project.")