Global Pattern of Coverage of LaRouche's New Bretton Woods
Oct. 21, 2008 (EIRNS)—One clear indication of the ripeness of the world situation for Lyndon LaRouche's concept of a New Bretton Woods (NBW) is indicated by the extraordinary and prominent coverage being given to him, and his spokesmen, on this topic. In effect, the upsurge of support internationally, including in major countries such as Russia, India, China, France, and Italy, represents a form of pincer movement around the United Stateßs, where there is currently no leading establishment force which has taken up LaRouche's call.
The following grid reflects the scope of the international attention:
- India: On Oct. 19, LaRouche was interviewed live on the 9:00 p.m. News show on NDTV, on the question of the New Bretton Woods and the Four Power Agreement.
- Italy: On Oct. 20, the nation's newspaper of record, Corriere della Sera, in its economic supplement, featured an article comparing the ideas of Italian Economics Minister Giulio Tremonti, and Lyndon LaRouche, on the New Bretton Woods.
- France: On Oct. 17, the leading representative of the LaRouche movement in France, former Presidential candidate and president of the Solidarity and Progress association, Jacques Cheminade, was an invited guest in a debate televised on the all-news international TV Channel France 24. Cheminade was interviewed on the Face Off program, along with Christian de Boissieu, president of the French Prime Minister's Economic Analysis Council, where he had the opportunity to present LaRouche's view on the global bailout, and the principles of the New Bretton Woods.
- Russia: For the second time in a month, on Sept. 22, Russia's English-language TV channel, Russia Today, broadcast a live interview with LaRouche, on critical strategic developments; the first was aired Aug. 21. In this second interview, LaRouche emphasized the terminal nature of the current crisis, and the need for a totally new monetary system.
In addition, LaRouche's concept of a New Bretton Woods is being widely circulated in print in Russia, including through an article authored by prominent Russian economist Stanislav Menshikov, that first appeared Oct. 17 in Slovo, and is included in English translation in the Oct. 24 edition of EIR.
- China: LaRouche's economic analysis has been the subject of numerous lengthy articles in the Chinese press, over the course of the last month.
In addition to these leading nations, developing countries such as the Philippines and Ecuador, among others, have also seen an increase in coverage of LaRouche's ideas.
By contrast, the only straightforward coverage of LaRouche's economic forecasting record and proposed solution, in the United States, appeared deep-down in a New York Times article about the protests against the bailout on Oct. 11.