LaRouche in Dialogue with Russians,
Obama's Economic Advisors
Jan. 22, 2009 (EIRNS)—A lively two-hour question period followed Lyndon LaRouche's webcast presentation of Jan. 22, which first highlighted questions coming in from Russia and Belarus. One came from a senior economist at the Russian Academy of Sciences; another from a group of professors and students at the Moscow State Institute for Foreign Relations, associated with the Russian Foreign Ministry; and one from the director of the Institute for Research and Development and Security in Minsk.
On the domestic side, a highly interesting question came in from a section of the Economic Advisory Group, a group of Democratic economists who advised the transition team: We quote: "Mr. LaRouche, we represent a multi-disciplinary group centered at Stanford, Berkeley and Princeton, which, since early November, have been tasked with working on your Triple Curve Function, as a model for economic analysis. Little argument can be made right now as to its accuracy in defining our current predicament. However, it's my understanding that you developed this model long before our financial instruments like derivatives ever even existed... Would you please indicate to us how you were able to forecast this dynamic before the instruments which arguably caused this current crisis were even born?"
In response, LaRouche demonstrated the development of his method of thinking, based on the dynamics of Kepler, Leibniz, and Riemann. He stressed once again the importance of understanding the science of economics, as opposed to merely spending and making money.
Another question came from the same advisory group: "Both former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker and Treasury Secretary-designate Tim Geithner [who has now been confirmed by the Senate—ed.] indicated that the current manner in which the Fed has been operating is way outside its charter. With that said, what, in your mind, is actually the proper role of the Federal Reserve in this current situation?" LaRouche responded: "It's got to be gobbled up, and eaten by a higher species. That higher species should be a National Bank."
Finally, we quote from the last exchange with LaRouche, that came from a person coordinating the transition to the Obama Administration: "Mr. LaRouche, over these last months, you've been extremely generous in providing not only the context in which this new administration must consider its policy, but you have shared detailed analysis and specific policy initiatives. Your input has been invaluable, and we'd like you to know that it has been greatly appreciated. If, this very afternoon, you had a few moments to give advice directly to the President, what would you say to him?"
Just what I have said today, LaRouche replied, noting that he himself very much felt "the effect in various parts of the world of what the world has been subjected to under the U.S. toleration of the British Empire. And that's the best way to put it." The President now has to make some crucial decisions:
First, we have to deal ruthlessly and decisively with this world monetary-financial economic crisis. We have to establish again the position of the United States in the specific tradition of President Franklin Roosevelt... And I think, at this point, President Obama has inherited that legacy from the deceased Franklin Roosevelt, to pick up the world from a period of decline and despair, by taking a decisive action, which above all other things, establishes the United States in the opinion of leaders of the world, as being the leader of nations out of the darkness through which we have lived in recent times up to this point.
The general economic reform, including that of cooperation extended toward Russia, China, and India, is crucial. But to make that work, we must first make a sweeping reform in the U.S. credit system, establish a fixed-exchange-rate system of credit, not a monetary system, among a number of leading nations of the world, including the U.S., Russia, China, and India. And around this group of leading nations, to lead the world into a general economic reform....