Debate over Afghan War
Breaks Out in U.S. Congress
Jan. 31, 2009 (EIRNS)—While the official Obama Administration policy remains that the U.S. will pour 20,000 to 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan, there are signs that a real debate is breaking out over this policy, which Lyndon LaRouche has described as "militarizing a hopeless war, rather than crushing the trafficking of narcotics in British-protected territory in Afghanistan and Pakistan."
Of particular note, were the remarks of Sen. John Kerry, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, during the Jan. 15 confirmation hearings of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Kerry noted the overwhelming parallels between the current Afghan policy and that in Vietnam, and said he believed that the U.S. was "on the wrong track." Other Democrats have also begun to mobilize against the troop escalation; some have set up a website, Former Sen. George McGovern has also been campaigning heavily against a troop surge, through a series of op-eds.
LaRouche has issued a defense of Kerry, who has come under attack from the Washington Post, among others, for his stance on Afghanistan. LaRouche also urged that the Senator, among others, take up his policy of starting by wiping out illegal drugs. If we don't do that, LaRouche has said, we not only won't win, but "we are playing into the hands of the drug-pushers, while sacrificing the lives of our soldiers, once again, for no good reason—all for the sake of helping Britain's George Soros in drugging civilization to death."