Ezekiel Emanuel's Fascist
Thinking Exposed
Aug. 4, 2009 (EIRNS)--If there is anyone, who, for some reason, cannot accept that the character of the Obama Administration's health plan if fascist—despite its overt intent to cut care for those considered "unworthy of life" (the old and the poor), the public writings of Dr. Ezekiel ("E-Z-Kill") Emanuel, a special health policy advisor to the White House and member of the Obama Administration-established Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research, provide the necessary shock.
Emanuel elaborated a method for selecting which sections of the population should be denied health care first, in an article entitled, tellingly, "Principles for Allocation of Scarce Medical Interventions." The article was published in the British medical journal Lancet, dated Jan. 31, 2009, which was just 11 days after Barack Obama's inauguration. On March 19, Emanuel was appointed to the Federal Coordinating Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research, to begin the design of a Federal system for withdrawing care from those chosen for death.
Ezekiel Emanuel, whose brother is the President's chief of staff, describes in the article his method of "Complete Lives System": It "produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance, whereas the youngest and oldest people get chances that are attenuated." This may be justified by public opinion, since "broad consensus favors adolescents over very young infants, and young adults over very elderly people." He goes on to explain cold-bloodedly why the "death of a 20-year-old woman is intuitively worse than that of a 2-month-old girl," etc., in a clinical exercise of psywar.
Dr. Emanuel claims his system is preferable to such inhuman accounting methods as Quality-Adjusted Life Years and Disability-Adjusted Life Years. Each person's life is not equally important, he states bluntly, and in his view, not sacred.
Emanuel has not left his standard abstract. He wrote in 1996, that health services should not be guaranteed to persons "who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens," specifically mentioning patients with dementia.
One of the contemporary role models for the Administration's thinking comes from Britain's National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).
The British are quite open about the fascist, bestialist conception which motivates NICE, and which is identical to the Nazi euthanasia mentality. In an interview with Time magazine last March, the head of NICE, Sir Michael Rawlins, candidly explained how his institute measures human life in purely monetary terms, otherwise known as the "arithmetic of death": "It's based on the cost of a measure called the 'quality-adjusted life year.' A QALY scores your health on a scale from zero to one: zero if you're dead and one if you're in perfect health. You find out as a result of a treatment where a patient would move up the scale. If you do a hip replacement, the patient might start at 0.5 and go up to 0.7, improving 0.2. You can assume patients live for an average of 15 years following hip replacements. And .2 times 15 equals three quality adjusted life years. If the hip replacement costs £10,000 to do, it's 10,000 divided by three, which equals £3,333. That figure is the cost per QALY."
In Hitler's Germany, it was standard practice to compare the cost of keeping classes of sick people alive, with paying for the young and healthy who could serve the state, and insist that the nation's fiscal health demanded declaring categories of sick people "unworthy of life." Left out of the public equation, of course, both in Nazi Germany and today, is the fact that the government was pouring billions, or trillions in financial resources into maintaining the financier class.