Blair Circles React to LaRouche Breakout
Aug. 20, 2009 (EIRNS)—Reports from Britain are that the circles of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair are, once again, attempting to organize a propaganda campaign against U.S. statesman Lyndon H. LaRouche. These moves come in reaction to the mass strike opposition inside the United States that threaten to defeat the Nazi-like policies of the British-controlled U.S. President Obama—a wave of mass ferment of which LaRouche has been widely recognized by the world's media as the catalyst and most visible leader.
The pretext for the anti-LaRouche freakout by Obama-controller Tony Blair, centers around the case of Jeremiah Duggan, a British national, who killed himself by running into traffic on a busy highway in Wiesbaden, Germany in March of 2003. The investigation conducted by German authorities at the scene concluded that Mr. Duggan committed suicide. Subsequent investigations in both Germany and England have confirmed the original conclusion.
Circles connected to the British Fabian Society and Blair, who have manipulated the Duggan family, have repeatedly tried to reopen the investigation as a pretext to go after LaRouche. All authorities, both German and British, who have examined their claim, have ruled them to be without merit. Now, in late June of this year, the Duggan family, accompanied by Blair's minions, claim to have presented still "new evidence" to the Attorney General for England and Wales and to the German Embassy in London, that would cast doubt on the original investigation.
Since the original investigation by the German authorities was based on eyewitness accounts and analysis of on-the-scene evidence by forensic experts, all of which has been thoroughly reviewed, the only possibly new evidence that could possibly be relevant, is evidence that would shed light on the motivation of those associated with Blair who continue to lie about the case.
Such new evidence falls into two categories:
First is evidence, known to the family at the time, of Jeremiah's suicide, but concealed since, of the mental health history of the deceased that would shed light on the reasons that Mr. Duggan would take his own life.
Second is the new evidence that is surfacing in the case of David Kelly, a British intelligence specialist who had exposed Blair's lies leading up to the Iraq war, and who died several months after Mr. Duggan under very suspicious circumstances, which British authorities ruled a suicide.
The fact is, that, prior to the U.S.A.'s and British government's commitment to proceeding with Prime Minister Tony Blair's war in Iraq, Lyndon LaRouche had appeared twice in interviews on the BBC on the subject of the heated campaign by both the Bush Administration and the Blair government, during which interviews LaRouche had denounced the war policy as premised on fraudulent arguments as to fact. Shortly after those BBC appearances by LaRouche, a leading intelligence officer of the UK had truthfully denounced the Blair government's pro-war propaganda as "sexed up." Shortly after that statement by Dr. Kelly, Kelly was found dead, in what was hastily, but officially alleged as a "suicide" by relevant circles linked to the Blair government. Those officials in the U.K. under the direction of the Fabian Society's Prime Minister Blair, defended Blair's lies, and proceeded to bring the U.S.A. into Blair's and Vice-President Cheney's Iraq war.
It was in the aftermath of those developments, and LaRouche's continuing denunciation of Blair's role in the fraudulent launching of the war, that the suicide of Jeremiah Duggan was twisted by Blair's circles into the Blair government's fraudulent use of the suicide by Duggan as a way of using wildly concocted Blair circles' lies against LaRouche, in an effort to draw attention away from the issues surrounding the alleged suicide of Dr. Kelly.