October's Fascist Downshift:
Now Comes Hitler Health
Oct. 14, 2009 (EIRNS)—In his "Now, October" document, which appears in the Oct. 9 edition of EIR magazine, Lyndon LaRouche described the October breakdown crisis as a "condition which can not be escape by any means short of a qualitative change in the present organization of" an economy, a qualitative shift which is implicitly non-reversible. A move in that direction, toward pro-fascist modes of austerity, has just been taken with the passage of the so-called Baucus health-care "reform" by the Senate Finance Committee on Oct. 13.
The Baucus bill, really, the Obama Administration bill, is complete with a provision for a modern Nazi "T4" euthanasia panel, called a Medicare Commission. It passed with a vote of 14 to 9, with Maine's Republican Olympia Snowe joining the 13 Democrats in support, while all other Republican opposed the bill. Most of the "debate" was vacuous and self-congratulatory, covering over the real issue of the Nazi-like euthanasia philosophy and procedures mandated in the legislation. It was left to Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia to raise the issue.
Speaking last before the vote, Rockefeller noted that he "really believed" in the Medicare Commission. He went on to lament that "it's sad" that we never discussed "end-of-life care." Why didn't we? "Because the screamers took hold of us briefly. But we all know that 40-60% of Medicare expenditures occur during the last six months of life. I wish my mother had had an option like that. We kept her alive 12 years, but the last 6 years were too long. I think they did her harm, and the doctor's motto is 'do no harm.'
"Now, we're free to talk about anything," Rockefeller concluded.
Rockefeller's assumption, that the mass strike ferment which erupted in August at town hall meetings around the country, has finally dissipated, is delusional. As the breakdown crisis worsens, the American population's anger will only increase. The Congress will ignore that reality at their peril.