Schiller Institute Launches Initiative
For the LaRouche Plan
Oct. 27, 2009 (EIRNS)—The hour of truth has come, begins a new international statement circulated by the Schiller Institute since Oct. 21.
The same zombie banks that have driven the world economy to the brink of total chaos, and deprived hundreds of millions of people of their means of existence, that have shifted the costs of the destruction onto taxpayers, and saddled the public budgets with astronomical debt, are at it again, engaging in high-risk operations and paying mega-bonuses to their managers.
The statement urges economists, politicians, entrepreneurs, labor unionists, etc., to sign the Schiller Institute call to put the LaRouche proposal on the political agenda. "The real economy is in a free fall, internationally, massive layoffs are throwing people into despair, and the number of hungry people has gone over the 1 billion mark for the first time," the statement charges. It adds that, "following a short period of panic, in October 2008, when calls for a new financial architecture were heard, the financial powers of the British Empire reasserted themselves completely at the three G20 Summits in Washington, London, and Pittsburgh, and demonstrated that governments are simply the enforcement arms of the banks. The urgently needed reorganization was prevented and the systemic crisis got even worse. We are now faced with a new mega-crash, and an imminent hyperinflationary explosion."
Incredibly enough, no analysis of the causes of this crisis has been made, the statement points out, even though it threatens to become the greatest challenge in the history of mankind. But "the truth is that many people in high-placed positions, as well as ordinary citizens in many countries, know that there is one man who foresaw the crisis a long time ago: Lyndon LaRouche." For example, Massimo Pini, a former member of the Board of Directors of the Italian state company IRI, a government advisor and close friend of former Italian Prime Minister Bettino Craxi, wrote in the January 2008 issue of the Italian monthly Area that "Lyndon LaRouche was the only economist who had in fact forecast the catastrophe in many, many publications, and that at a time when no one else suspected it."
Indeed, LaRouche has warned of the systemic crisis since 1971, and repeated his warnings at every branching point since. "Over 12 years ago," the statement recalls, "the Ukrainian economist Natalia Vitrenko, and the president of the Schiller Institute, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, released a call for the new Bretton Woods System proposed by LaRouche, which has since been signed by many thousands of people in important institutions on five continents.
It is now of existential importance to study the economic method that allowed Lyndon LaRouche to recognize the systemic errors of monetarism, because this method is a reliable guarantee for finding a way out of the crisis. In this crisis, we should definitely not listen to those who were surprised by the crisis, and who have learned nothing in the meantime.
One basis for optimism that the Four-Power Agreement between the USA, Russia, China and India, which LaRouche has proposed, can be realized, lies in the recent comprehensive agreements for cooperation between Russia and China, which represent an important step in the direction of a new credit system, and the realization of the Eurasian Land-Bridge as the principal project for the reconstruction of the world economy.
The fate of humanity is hanging by a thread. What we urgently need is an open discussion on the forecasts and solutions of Lyndon LaRouche. As the former President of Mexico, López Portillo, put it already in 1998: It is time to listen to the wise words of Lyndon LaRouche!