It's Not Disease That's Destroying Ukraine—and the World;
It's the British Empire
Nov. 3, 2009 (EIRNS)—"We have to shut down the power of those who are destroying the health care system internationally," Lyndon LaRouche said today, responding to reports of the rapid spread of disease in Ukraine. "There is no solution to this international flu crisis without going directly at the British and U.S. governments—and their collaborators in the IMF—who are dictating mass-murderous policies to governments internationally." There is no way that we or anyone else can whip up a cure for the flu problem, LaRouche elaborated: you have to eliminate the political problem causing it. "Don't complain about the flu, unless you are working to knock out the Nazi health care policy of Obama and the British," LaRouche said.The rapid spread of a flu-like disease through Ukraine, whose population has already been decimated by the globalization policies of the British Empire through the IMF, since 1992, is the result of a deliberate London-directed genocide policy. While it is urgent that Ukraine receive help for improving its diagnosis and treatment of the illness, there is no hope for the reversal of the crisis—either in Ukraine or anywhere in the world—without taking on the political powers which are enforcing a genocide policy, especially in health care.
The genocidal moves by the British imperial monetarists in Ukraine, as elsewhere, are blatant.
At the end of October, President Victor Yushchenko signed a law adopted ten days ago, which raised by 10 to 20% the pensions and minimum wage. Immediately, the bankers' mouthpieces blamed the measure, which raises the pension from a miserly $75 to $95 a month, for driving deficits out of control. The IMF's Managing Director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, said he's "worried" by these developments, implicitly threatening to withhold the last tranche of a 2008 IMF loan to Ukraine, amounting to $3.8 billion.
On Oct. 28, Ukrainian Finance Minister Ihor Umanskiy announced that Ukraine would ask the IMF's governors council for permission to use the last part of the loan to finance the budget deficit. Then, on Oct. 30, after the IMF made it known it could block the last part of the loan to Ukraine, Standard & Poor's lowered its rating of Ukraine's debt, already very low, and estimated that the IMF decision "would undermine investors' confidence in the banking system and increase pressure on the Ukrainian currency."