Mammogram Decision Spotlights
Obama Health Care Genocide
Nov. 11, 2009 (EIRNS)—While the medical community, cancer patients, and others are in a total uproar over the recommendation by the Obama Administration's taskforce to reduce mammograms, an EIR intelligence investigation has identified two crucial elements which show the genocidal intent of the decision:
- The decision precisely echoes the model of fascist Tony Blair's National Health Service, which also disallows mammograms for women 40-50 years old, which permits mammograms only once in 3 years for those older than 50, and has a survival rate from breast cancer 14 points lower than that in the United States;
- According to a report in the Los Angeles Times, the Obama-favored Baucus bill in the U.S. Senate will rely heavily on the very HHS taskforce which made the mammogram-cutting recommendation, to outline what preventive benefits Americans should have access to in new insurance exchanges (that's not just Medicare), while the House bill would create a new task force to do the same.
So when Obama Administration spokesmen put out a statement denying that recommendations such as those of this "expert panel" will have anything to do with decisions on whether insurance will pay for life-saving procedures, they are lying. In fact, the cost of various diagnostic techniques is mentioned throughout the report, and this very taskforce was responsible for recommending non-reimbursement for CAT scans for colon cancer last year, because it was allegedly not worth the cost.
As can be expected, the HHS study relies on statistical models, like the Wennberg-Dartmouth model, in deciding that this preventive technology is unnecessary and even counterproductive. As a result, as the American College of Radiology said in its release, the recommendations "will result in countless unnecessary breast cancer deaths each year."