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The Copenhagen Horror Show
Is in Disarray

Dec. 3, 2009 (EIRNS)—Less than a week since the Queen was forced to step out front at the Commonwealth event in Trinidad & Tobago to rally support for the failing effort, the genocidal Copenhagen climate treaty has hit new obstacles from within and without the global empire.

Among the leading recent developments:

The scandal of the University of East Anglia climate e-mails has now extended to professors at two universities in the United States, as leading figures call for criminal investigation. Resistance to the treaty has been affirmed from the highest levels of the Indian government, and the Australian Senate defeated a draconian carbon emissions bill by a vote of 41-33, amid a factional break-up in the traditional pro-monarchy Liberal party.

On Dec. 1, the head of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit, Dr. Phil Jones, was forced to resign pending an investigation into his manipulation of temperature data to turn cooling into warming. Soon after, Penn State University's Michael Mann, one of Jones' leading collaborators in the data manufacturing business, and a second collaborator at the University of Arizona came under investigation by the university.

Mann is notorious as the inventor and arrogant defender of the "hockey stick" curve, a reconstruction of the North America mean temperature record which attempted to eliminate the well-documented medieval warming of 800-1300 AD from the climate record. In Mann's reconstruction, the temperature curve is relatively flat from 1000 to 1900 AD, and then spikes upward like the bend in a hockey stick. The intent of the hoax is to show that human industrial activity caused the purported increase. A collaborator of Mann, Malcolm Hughes, a transplant from East Anglia University, now at the University of Arizona, has been warned not to destroy any files, and an investigation or inquiry is expected.

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) is pressing aggressively for a Federal investigation of the e-mail disclosures. On Dec. 1, he requested Senate hearings on the "apparent attempts to manipulate data, vilify scientists with opposing viewpoints, and circumvent information disclosure laws" revealed in the e-mails.

The same day, the Republican ranking members of two House and two Senate committees released a letter calling on Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa Jackson to open an investigation into the East Anglia scandal, and demanded that the agency turn over all documents and communications with the East Anglia Climatic Research Unit to the respective Congressional committees Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wisc.), one of the signers, characterized the e-mails as showing a pattern of "scientific fascism." The EPA is also called upon to withdraw various findings related to greenhouse gases until the science can be proven.

Meanwhile, resistance within the British Commonwealth and other nations continues, following a meeting in Beijing Nov. 27, at which India, China, Brazil, South Africa, and Sudan arrived at a declaration opposing any measure at Copenhagen that will penalize developing nations' industry. Indian Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh announced after the meeting that the declaration includes agreement to stage a collective walkout, if necessary, to protect their national interests.

India is confident that China will stand by her on the issues of carbon emission reduction, Indian sources report. The Manmohan Singh government has made it clear that it would not accept any commitment for a large-scale cut in emissions, but noted, with irony, that it is ready to assure the developed countries that the per capita emissions of India will remain lower than the average per capita emissions of the developed countries. During the recent meeting of Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and his Chinese counterpart, Xie Xuren, China had given assurance it would stick to its position of supporting India on this issue. In our country, there are still 300 million people who don't have access to electricity, he said. Before talking about reduction in emissions in mega power projects, we first have to ensure that this section of the population is provided with electricity, the Finance Minister and prominent leader of the Indian Congress party told Business Standard.

The global warming fraud is the leading edge of the British Empire drive to stop scientific and technological development in order to maintain imperial rule over a genocidally reduced world population. Defeating it is the necessary pre-requisite to a world economic revival organized around Lyndon LaRouche's Four Powers concept. As LaRouche noted again recently, there will be no world survival without the complete overturning of the green ideology. The Copenhagen summit must be cancelled.

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