French Economist Allais
Supports LaRouche Plan
Dec. 14, 2009 (EIRNS)—Prof. Maurice Allais, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for 1988, sent the following letter to Jacques Cheminade, leader of the LaRouche organization in France, on Nov. 27, 2009. Although originally defining himself as a "liberal" in economics, Allais is an outspoken opponent of globalization, and has shown that the downturn of the European economy coincides with the beginning of that phenomenon (1974).
We quote from his letter:
Dear Sir,
You transmitted to me the Schiller Institute's and Mr. Lyndon LaRouche's call for saving the world economy, asking me to associate myself with this call, and I thank you. My answer is the following:
Mr. Lyndon LaRouche and his organizations have often supported ideas which are close to my own proposals for fundamental reforms of the financial and international monetary system, which I personally have not ceased to defend publicly for several decades.
Having myself explained, demonstrated and announced for more than a decade my works on the world financial catastrophe which occurred during the summer of 2008, I cannot but associate myself fully with every initiative aimed at creating a large public debate for the purpose of a radical re-establishment of the credit system and the world monetary system.
I authorize you to publicly use this statement in the terms expressed above.