Anglo-Israeli `Doomsday' War Scheme
Reported Imminent
Feb. 20, 2010 (EIRNS)—Lyndon LaRouche warned today that circles in London, including former Prime Minister Tony Blair, are the real potential architects of the "doomsday" scheme of Israeli pre-emptive attacks on Iran's nuclear facilities that have been reported to EIR by Israeli sources. LaRouche said that it is those in London, who are desperate over the collapse of the entire British System, who may be contemplating an Israeli breakaway-ally attack on Iran, that would bring on a planetary dark age. Just recall Blair's testimony before the Chilcot Commission, LaRouche said, in which he taunted the commissioners with the need to take military action against Iran today, just as he lied to get the U.S. and Britain into the 2003 invasion of Iraq. These people would have to be totally desperate, to be contemplating such a doomsday act, and I am afraid that they are, LaRouche concluded.
Sources close to the Israeli government have warned EIR that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's inner cabinet is close to making a decision to launch a preventive strike against Iran's nuclear facilities. Such a decision, that would be a further step closer to a devastating regional confrontation, could come as early as tomorrow, when the Israeli cabinet convenes. According to the source, a fierce debate is raging within the Israeli military, over whether Israel has the capacity to successfully strike Iran's nuclear facilities at Natanz or elsewhere. Recently former Israeli Defense Forces Chief of Staff Gen. Dan Halutz told Israeli media that the IDF does not have the ability to seriously damage the Iranian program. But, according to an Israeli source close to the inner cabinet, several options are being reviewed for just such an attack. According to the source, in recent visits to Russia, both Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman pressed Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin for permission to stage attacks against Iranian targets from sites inside Russia. Putin reportedly strongly shut the door on that option; however, similar approaches have been made to the government of Kazakhstan, according to the Israeli source. The source added that the preferred option, being promoted by factions in the IDF, is to launch attacks from Israeli submarines, equipped with Cruise missiles. The source noted that the accuracy of the Cruise missiles, launched from Israeli submarines is unreliable, and most of the Iranian sites on the Israeli target list are in urban areas.
The sources confirmed that the Obama Administration's national security team has delivered a series of strongly worded messages, warning Israel against any unilateral attacks on Iran. U.S. military leaders, as well as Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, JCS Chairman Adm. Michael Mullen, National Security Advisor Gen. Jim Jones, and Vice President Joe Biden, all recognize that a military strike against Iran is the worst-case, last option, and that we are not even close to the point of having to make that decision. It is widely believed, including among Israeli planners, that Iran has a retaliatory asymmetric capability that would involve crippling the entire Persian Gulf oil flow, blowing out the entire world economy, if attacked.