Purpose of British-Run ICC:
Destabilize Africa
by Douglas DeGroot
An inside view of the lawless workings of the British-run ICC, whose purpose is not justice.
Feb. 22, 2010 (EIRNS)—The existence of the warrant for the arrest of Sudan President Omar Hasan al-Bashir for war crimes, issued March 4, 2009 by International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor, Luis Moreno Ocampo, to which he added on Feb. 3, 2010, the charge of genocide just before the upcoming presidential election in April, has been a constant drumbeat in the international media to lay the groundwork for carrying out the British financial empire's desire to discredit the Sudanese election this April, a precursor to the balkanization of the country after the referendum on unity next year. Al-Bashir is expected to win the April presidential election, and the British-run anti-Sudan apparatus has already let it be known that the bogus ICC charges will be used to lend credence to their claim that al-Bashir's expected victory had been fraudulent.
But it is Moreno Ocampo who is showing signs of cracking up because of the fact that his failed effort to discredit al-Bashir has widely been seen as having nothing to do with justice, but is entirely politically motivated. In a speech at the UN last December, the unhinged Moreno Ocampo said: "My office is considering the criminal responsibility of Sudanese officials who actively deny and dissimulate crimes." This blast against against those who exercise their right to deny unproven allegations, was understood to be an attempt to intimidate Sudan's Ambassador to the UN, Abdalmahmood Abdalhaleem Mohamad, who has vigorously denounced the ICC destabilization.
The ICC is a strange institution in which the prosecution and the judges are part of the same organization that is not answerable to anyone but its financiers, such as George Soros. It was created as a political weapon of destabilization. In the 11 years of the existence of the rogue ICC apparatus which pretends to be a court, it has convicted no one. Moreno Ocampo has been its only chief prosecutor since the ICC, controlled by the British financial empire, was founded.
Moreno Ocampo has so far only brought one person to trial. That trial, against Thomas Lubanga, a former militia leader in the Ituri region of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is still ongoing. Lubanga's militia was one of many in eastern Congo spawned during the chaos of the last days of the Mobutu government, amplified by the invasion of Congo by Uganda and Rwanda. He is facing charges stemming from the conflict in Ituri. The trial was was stopped in 2008, after the ICC was caught refusing to disclose potentially exculpatory material which could have breached Lubanga's right to a fair trial. After Moreno Ocampo appealed the ruling to the ICC's own appeal judges, the trial finally began in January, 2009. The first prosecution witness, an alleged child soldier said to have been recruited by Lubanga, retracted his testimony as Lubanga looked him in the eye. Lubanga's attorney said that this confirmed defense investigations that certain prosecution witnesses had been manipulated so that they would give false testimony.
This January, three of Lubanga's first five defense witnesses testified that intermediaries of the Office of the ICC Prosecutor had bribed and duped some boys and their parents or guardians into joining the alleged scheme to fabricate evidence, and were paid by the ICC to say they had been recruited by Lubanga to be child soldiers. The father of one of the boys said his son had never been a member of Lubanga's militia, and the same boy's uncle said that he had been paid by intermediaries working for the ICC to convince his nephew to give false testimony. He said the intermediaries told him what to tell the ICC officials. He and the intermediaries both benefited financially, he said.
In Sudan, Moreno Ocampo's operation was initially designed to prevent a resolution of the conflict in Darfur. His methodology was challenged by leaders of the three ethnic groups Moreno Ocampo alleged were victims of al-Bashir.
After he filed charges against al-Bashir July 14, 2008, leaders from the three Darfur tribes—the Fur, Masalit, and Zaghawa—that Moreno Ocampo alleged al-Bashir was targetting for elimination, sued Moreno Ocampo for libel, defamation and igniting hatred and tribalism, according to a Sept. 14, 2008 issue of IslamOnline. They said it was not true that the tribes they came from were being targetted, and that the charges would create more chaos, because they would be suspected of working with Moreno Ocampo, and because of that would be attacked by other tribes. They called instead for a solution worked out in Sudan.