BüSo Kicks Off Election Campaign,
With Conference on
Reindustrialization of Germany
March 22, 2010 (EIRNS)—Having completed the mandatory signature-gathering for its slate of 34 candidates for the May 9 Landtag elections in North Rhine Westphalia (NRW), the Civil Rights Movement Solidarity (BüSo) held a national conference in Bad Salzuflen, on March 20. More than 150 activists, supporters, and guests discussed how to roll back radical ecologism in Germany and to reorganize the banking system, so that it serves the rebuilding of the real economy. After a performance of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" by the LaRouche Youth Movement, complete with standing ovation, Kascha Kruczkowski, the head of the slate, opened the conference by announcing that the same commitment and orientation that had resulted in the spectacular victory of Kesha Rogers in the Texas primary, will be at the backbone of the BüSo's seven-week campaign in NRW. The party will campaign with a poster saying "First Kesha, now Kascha," depicting both Rogers and Kruczkowski.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, national party chairwoman, stressed in her keynote the crucial importance for Germany of political developments in the United States, because without the impeachment of President Obama, it were not possible to prevent the disintegration of the U.S. economy, and to launch reconstruction of the real economy worldwide, which, in turn, requires a revival of the anti-oligarchical American system of economics. The budget-cutting Maastricht rules and the inflationary euro system have to be eliminated, in order to liberate Germany's creative industrial potential, to begin to produce for the industrial development of the world.
At the same time, Zepp-LaRouche said, the current ban on the use of revolutionary technologies like the high-temperature reactor and the maglev train—which were both developed in Germany—must be reversed. And the prospect of doing so is growing, as the economic depression has reached a critical point, as more and more citizens are coming to realize. This is similar to the situation in the United States, where a political mass-strike process is developing. Zepp-LaRouche emphasized the urgent need to reorganize the banking system, along the lines of the Glass-Steagall Act, and to reject the ecologist ideology that has penetrated the entire political establishment, the BüSo being the only political force to fight back.
Most importantly, she said, Germans have to revive the passion for the principle of the sublime, for the great ideas of cultural and scientific progress that characterized the German Classics, 200 years ago, as represented by the nation's leading poet Friedrich Schiller. This concept has also been worked into the election campaign video of the BüSo, which will be mass-circulated in DVD format in NRW, and throughout the rest of Germany, in the coming weeks.
Zepp-LaRouche's presentation was followed by speeches on aspects of German reindustrialization, including the debunking of "green energy" technologies, the need for nuclear energy, and an outline of a reconstruction strategy.