LaRouche Warns: Polish Plane Crash
Fuels Threat of a British Hit on Obama
April 12, 2010 (EIRNS)—Upon learning of the plane crash near Smolensk, Russia, which killed Polish President Lech Kaczynski and many top military and government officials, Lyndon LaRouche on April 10 issued a stark warning on the significance of this development in enhancing the strategic threat against President Obama's life.
This event is not an isolated event. When a Polish pilot, a military pilot, entrusted with the Presidential government, overrides an order, a warning given on Russian territory, for Russian landing on weather conditions and proceeds, and gets everybody killed, you have to think.
This is part of the ... environment of the death threat, to President Obama. You're in a situation, where the nearest comparison, to the present situation, internationally, is the assassination of President Kennedy.... When you're going to assassinate the President of the United States, you run a number of operations, which create an atmosphere of instability, a dynamic, which enables you to at least have a fighting chance of covering up who did what to whom.
We had the same thing with 9/11, at the beginning of 2001. I warned that we had to expect an attack, a terrorist attack on the United States. We continued through that; that warning stood. All the evidence was there. We had a big flurry of diversionary business....
This is a warning of a threat to the President of the United States. You have a President who is absolutely worse than useless. He has just put through this health-care plan, which is what he was assigned to do. He has completed his mission, as President! And the British who employed him for this mission, are about to get rid of him, in order to create a situation for imposing an actual dictatorship in the United States, by disposing of a President, who has already given up all of his political usefulness! In which key members of his government, including Rahm Emanuel and others, are trying to quit the government, because it's a disaster area....
You're in that kind of period. The entire financial system of the world is collapsing, disintegrating. It's hopeless. The present world situation is absolutely hopeless. Now, they couldn't solve it, but we have to solve it....
Lyndon LaRouche's statement comes in the context of a terrible security environment around President Obama in the coming period. From April 12-13, 47 heads of state and government are meeting in Washington, and experienced Executive Branch and diplomatic officials have warned that the security environment is "impossible."
Then between April 15-19, a series of protest demonstrations, including a scheduled armed protest across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. in northern Virginia, will take place, drawing in some known British-promoted agent provocateurs from the militia milieu. It was on this background, that Lyndon LaRouche issued his first warnings of a potential assassination attempt against President Obama.
However, Obama is not heeding the advice of security experts, and in true Nero fashion, insists on grabbing the public spotlight, whenever possible, to satisfy his ego.