Euthanasia Think Tank Controls
Obama's Bioethics Commission
April 15, 2010 (EIRNS)—The Hastings Center, the leading U.S.-based propaganda agency for euthanasia and medical rationing, released a statement gloating that Hastings in effect controls President Obama's "bioethics" commission.
Obama created the Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues to give an ethical seal of approval to the deadly withdrawal of medical care from elderly and other categories of patients that will result from enactment of Obama's health-care reforms.
The Hastings Center and the Obama Commission completely interlock. Yesterday's Hastings press release notes that
- Obama Commission chairman Amy Gutmann is a Fellow of the Hastings Center; Gutmann is infamous for hiring euthanasia provocateur/fanatic Peter Singer as the leader of the euthanasia propaganda "bioethics" unit she managed at Princetn University.
- Three other members of the (10-member) Obama Commission, Anita Allen, Christine Grady, and Daniel Sulmasy, are Fellows of the Hastings Center.
- Obama Commission member Anita Allen is Chairman of the Hastings Center Fellows Council and is a member of the Hastings Center's Board of Directors.
- Obama Commission member Christine Grady was formerly chairman of the Hastings Center Fellows Council and on the Hastings Board of Directors. Grady is the deputy to Ezekiel "EZ-Kill" Emanuel within the permanent government medical apparatus, as vice chairman and acting chairman of Bioethics at the National institutes of Health, while NIH bioethics chairman Emanuel serves as lead euthansia adviser to President Obama.
The Rockefeller family created the Hastings Center in 1969 through grants to Rockefeller population-control spokesman Daniel Callahan, the Hastings founder and chairman emeritus. During the 1960s British-led counterculture offensive, Hastings was designed to continue the old Hitler-era British euthanasia and eugenics movements, in conformity to the Rockefeller family's new population control theme.