EIR To Publish Exclusive Interview
With Anti-Euro Professor
April 29, 2010 (EIRNS)—Prof. Joachim Starbatty, one of the four German Professors who will file a constitutional complaint against the EU bailout policy, has given an exclusive interview to the publications associated with Lyndon and Helga LaRouche. The interview will be immediately posted on the German EIRNA website [May 1 update: see interview in German], and will appear in the coming issue of Neue Solidarität, and will also come out in the next issue of EIR.
In the interview, Starbatty says that as soon as the German government issues a bill for participation in the Greek bailout, the four professors "will proof the text and immediately act." If the Constitutional Court supports the complaint, "this will create a dynamic situation. This means that an exit of Germany [from the Euro] is not excluded." If this happens, other nations would follow, giving birth to "a new, stable bloc," he said. This would be less painful than it seems, and "the United States would gain an ally in any future reorganization of the world currency system and the global economy".
The EU intention to introduce a control mechanism on national budgets amounts to "the development of the EU into a quasi-federal state through the back door. This conflicts with the ruling of the German Constitutional Court on the Lisbon Treaty." Article 136 of the Lisbon Treaty, used by EU leaders to back their intentions, "is no basis for a transfer of political competencies. The Bundestag must express its opinion on that."
Prof. Starbatty exposes the shock therapy to be imposed on Greece as "fatal." He added: "It is like German Chancellor Brüning's policy in the early 1930s: in a severe recession, to cut expenditures, increase taxes, freezing and cutting wages. Brüning did that in order to gain reputation on the international capital markets. The Greeks are currently in a similar situation. No other industrial country carries out this Brüning-like policy because it leads from a recession to a depression."
Instead, Greece should leave the European Monetary Union (EMU) and its "Euro-debts should be cut down according to the [currency] devaluation. The banks should participate in the consolidation; they consciously took a high risk."