Leading Russian Paper
Publishes Interview with LaRouche
June 9, 2010 (EIRNS)—The prominent Russian weekly Zavtra today published Lyndon LaRouche's written interview on the systemic crisis, which was done on May 9. The interview consists of answers to five questions. Zavtra's headline is: "Lyndon LaRouche; The Rapacious Paws of the System; The well-known American anti-globalist answers questions from Zavtra."
In the interview, LaRouche answers five questions, mostly around the global financial breakdown crisis, and his proposed solution. In response to the question about the content of the Glass-Steagall restoration which LaRouche insists is necessary, LaRouche responds:
"Wipe out all fictitious capital, thus eliminating hundreds of trillions of nominal U.S. dollar obligations within the international markets, thus recreating a solid phalanx of surviving banks salvaged from the present Wall Street system, and thus enabling the U.S.A. to launch a long-range system of credit, which can then be employed in concert with other members of a new global economic system, to launch, immediately, an accelerating rate of global physical-economic progress over the course of the coming half-century's two generations."
As could be expected, LaRouche emphasizes the potential for a U.S.-Russian partnership under a new world economic partnership, once Glass-Steagall is imposed in the United States.