Anti-British Russian Official Speaks Out
June 24, 2010 (EIRNS)—On June 22, the 69th anniversary of Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, Prof. Igor Panarin escalated his current series of public attacks on the British Empire as the historical, "and contemporary," adversary of Russia. "I find it necessary to repeat once again today," said Panarin in an interview with, "that the leaders of the British Empire should confess to having organized both World War I and World War II, and a public tribunal should be organized to determine who organized the First and Second Wars, and why." He said that holding such a tribunal now would be justified because of the "holocaust of the Soviet people" which resulted.
Professor Panarin is the Dean of History at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, best known for his forecast of the coming fragmentation of the United States. Few reports on his statements note, however, that Panarin attributes the anti-U.S. plan to a London-centered group of financiers.
Panarin told, "June 22 is a tragic date in our history. But I think that the sudden attack on the USSR by Germany was arranged not only by fascist Germany, but also by the British Empire. That might seem to be a paradox, since those two countries were adversaries at that moment. But, it is only strange at first glance." The professor then reviewed his argument that some Bolsheviks, such as Leon Trotsky, were "agents of British Intelligence" (as established in Panarin's recent video briefing, which highlighted Trotsky's relationship with British spies Robert Bruce Lockhart and Sidney Reilly), who had been suppressed by Stalin. Unable to achieve the control over the Soviet Union which it had sought, said Panarin, "the British Empire decided to prepare World War II, where fascist Germany would act as the strike force for an attack on the USSR. It has long been no secret that it was the British (the Bank of England, in particular) who financed the Nazi Party...."
The formulations in Panarin's interview, about calling the British Empire to account today, are striking against the backdrop of the erroneous general opinion that the British are only a junior partner of the United States. Lyndon LaRouche's series of speeches and articles on today's "Brutish Empire," and its particular agents such as Kremlin advisor Arkadi Dvorkovich—not to mention most of the rest of the delegation accompanying President Dmitri Medvedev this week on his trip to Silicon Valley, Stanford University, and Washington, D.C.—is circulating widely in Russian translation.