Historic Webcast by Zepp-LaRouche
and Cheminade
July 2, 2010 (EIRNS)—The leaders of the LaRouche movements in Germany, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and in France, Jacques Cheminade, held their first joint international webcast, in the German capital, Berlin, on June 30 [see video and transcript in German]. Introduced by Karsten Werner of the German LaRouche Youth Movement, Zepp-LaRouche and presented, as past and present candidates, for German Chancellor and for French President—and entertained a series of questions, many of which came from German institutions, including one from an office of the parliament.
Zepp-LaRouche led off her presentation by noting the historical character of the day. For not only was Germany choosing a new President that day, but the ongoing developments in the world financial system were showing clearly that Lyndon LaRouche's assessment that the crisis would tend to peak in the late-June/early-July period was accurate. She also endorsed the positive step taken by the Merkel government in the direction of Glass-Steagall.
She then gave a full strategic briefing, emphasizing that the only appropriate response in Europe is the revival of the "Spirit of 1989," in which people recognize that "we are the people," and begin to act for the solutions, which have been put forward by her party, and LaRouche in the United States. These include the Four Power cooperation between the U.S., Russia, India, and China—the combination required to bury the British Empire.
Cheminade followed, stressing the role his recently announced Presidential candidacy is intended to play in France. He talked of the necessary measures to defeat the Empire, and of an updating of de Gaulle's "Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals" concept, with "Eurasia from the Atlantic to the China Sea."
Both speakers emphasized the important role which their promotion of Classical culture will be playing in their campaigns, as well as the specific programmatic measures that must be taken. This example of collaboration between France and Germany was an inspiring one to the approximately 80-person audience who attended, and to those watching over the Internet—and will surely resonate throughout the German capital, and beyond.