Charge Raised in Russia:
Gorbachov and Khrushchov
Were Steered by British Intelligence
July 6, 2010 (EIRNS)—In a June 27 Izvestia TV interview, Prof. Igor Panarin dropped his latest bombshell, charging that Soviet leaders Nikita Khrushchov (in power 1953-64) and Mikhail Gorbachov (1985-91) were steered to power by British Intelligence. Panarin, a professor at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and academician of the Academy of Military Sciences, has recently broadcast commentaries on the historical and current status of the British Empire as the primary adversary of Russia, and called for a public investigation of the British Empire's role in launching World Wars I and II.
In this latest interview, he said that Gorbachov should be condemned, "but it should be done by a public tribunal, in order to understand how this person could conduct such an anti-state policy, harming his native country, in which he had been born and grew up." This statement, commented Lyndon LaRouche, could "shake the pillars of British control" over key aspects of Russian policy today, especially if Russian institutions proceed with such a tribunal.
LaRouche himself, in statements and articles widely circulated in Russian translation, has identified the British subversion of both Russia and the United States since the death of Franklin Roosevelt. In an April 24 briefing, "Free Russia from the Pirates of the Caribbean: the Case of Arkadi V. Dvorkovich" (EIR, April 30, 2010) LaRouche demonstrated that the clique around Anatoli Chubais, in Russia today, came out of what was done in the 1980s by Gorbachov, whom LaRouche called "essentially a traitor to the Soviet Union, as well as a British agent."
Panarin reported that his charges are documented in his just-published book titled The First World Informational War: the Collapse of the USSR. There, he identifies as a key turning point the moment in 1953 when, "Instead of [Byelorussian leader Panteleimon] Ponomarenko, who was supposed to succeed Stalin, Khrushchov and a group of globalists came to power." (For nearly three decades, LaRouche has been emphasizing Khrushchov's special relationship with Bertrand Russell and the latter's World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government.) Panarin charges that Gorbachov's ascent, 32 years later, likewise "occurred with support from the [New York] Council on Foreign Relations and, above all, British Intelligence—MI6."
Panarin reiterated his belief that many U.S. intelligence agencies are "subsidiaries of British Intelligence." The professor is best known for his forecasts of a coming disintegration of the USA, a scheme he also attributes to London-centered interests.
"In the six years of his running the Soviet Union," Panarin said about Gorbachov, "the USSR's foreign debt increased by a factor of five and a half, while the gold reserves shrank by a factor of 11. These were merely the most visible results of the anti-state activity of Gorbachov." Hence, the need for a public tribunal.
Panarin spoke once again of British backing for a Nazi attack on the Soviet Union, which finally took place in 1941. Noting that the majority of the millions of Soviet victims of World War II were young people, he said, "I believe that was one of the main goals of the British Empire: to destroy the flower of the nation in the Soviet Union, the young generation, in order to destroy the basis of Russia's statehood. This is, of course, a truly blasphemous goal, and the British Empire and the ideological authors of these thievish actions should, of course, be held accountable, because they are the ones who brought Hitler to power. They financed his ascent to power, and aimed him against the Soviet Union."
While the specific charges made by Panarin require cross-checking, the political message is clear. In his book, Panarin concludes that the same techniques as were used against the Soviet Union, continue to be deployed against Russia today.