LaRouche Candidates Escalate Campaign
To Keep Congress in Session,
To Pass Glass-Steagall
Sept. 27, 2010 (EIRNS)—The two LaRouche Democratic candidates for Congress—Kesha Rogers in Texas's 22nd C.D. and Summer Shields in California's 8th C.D.—are leading LaRouche PAC's national emergency drive to force Congress to immediately pass the re-adoption of FDR's Glass-Steagall banking regulation, before they go on recess.
"Tell Congress, Don't Come Home Without Passing Glass-Steagall," demanded Rogers in a statement issued Sept. 25.
"As economist Lyndon LaRouche identified in his September 24 webcast," she continued, "citizens must demand, nobody in the U.S. Congress has any business coming back to campaign for re-election, without first passing legislation to reinstate the 1933 Glass-Steagall banking law of President Franklin Roosevelt. The current system is hopelessly bankrupt, and anyone who is more concerned about their office, than saving the nation, is unfit to serve. The legislation is already there. Just get it passed. Call your Congressman today!"
Joining with Rogers is Summer Shields, the Democratic write-in candidate against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Shields blasted Pelosi in a statement issued today:
"According to Nancy Pelosi, the aim for the democratic leadership is to adjourn by October 1—in less than 4 days—and be back in the districts mobilizing for the elections," Shields said. "For those waiting for the next election, get in reality! If we don't do what we have to do now, put in Glass Steagall, remove Obama from the Presidency, administer emergency relief for the states, and begin the shovels in the ground on the NAWAPA program, there won't be a next election—at least not one you would care to remember.
"Therefore, my campaign is once again taking the leadership in this time period with an emergency mobilization to make sure Congress stays in Washington until they pass Glass Steagall. Four pieces of legislation exist in the Congress proposing to reestablish Glass-Steagall as law. In the house Rep. Hinchey (D-N.Y.), Rep. Kaptur (D-Ohio), and Rep. Dingell (D-Mich.) have introduced legislation and in the Senate, the Cantwell-McCain legislation has been introduced. Call your Congressmen and tell them: Don't come back to your district without passing one of these ready-to-be-enacted bills—nobody wants to see your lousy face anyway!"
None other than bankers' boy "Bailout" Barney Frank is sitting on the House legislation to restore Glass-Steagall, which bills were introduced over 9 months ago. H.R. 4375, The Glass-Steagall Restoration Act, introduced by Hinchey, has been joined by 14 co-sponsors; H.R. 4377, The Return to Prudent Banking Act, introduced by Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), has 2 co-sponsors; and H.R. 4461, the Banking Integrity Act, introduced by Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.), has no co-sponsors.
The Senate bill, introduced by Senators Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), called the Banking Integrity Act (S. 2886), has six co-sponsors.
While Frank did win his primary election Sept. 14, his LaRouche Democratic opponent, Rachel Brown, is continuing her campaign to implement Glass-Steagall. Brown said in a statement issued today:
"If Congress doesn't pass Glass-Steagall in the coming days, they might as well not go home, because they'll get lynched by their constituents for doing nothing to alleviate their suffering. They must act like patriots and leaders, to deserve re-election."