Publio Fiori Calls for
a New Roosevelt for Italy
MILAN, Jan. 5, 2011 (EIRNS)—Publio Fiori, a former government undersecretary and Deputy Speaker of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, published an article in the newsletter sent out to his political network under the headline: "Where Is Our Roosevelt?" Fiori recently founded a federation called "Christian Democratic Refoundation," which brings together a large number of Catholic organizations and activists who wish to to re-create the old Christian Democratic Party (DC), the party that built post-war Italy, and was killed by London's "Clean Hands" operation in 1993.
Fiori's call is the result of his discussion with LaRouche representatives, and, in particular, of a memorandum written by Movisol Secretary Andrew Spannaus, which was then published in the form of an article under the headline "No To a Bankers' Government." Fiori also published that article in his newsletter, as well as a previous one by Spannaus calling for the creation of a national bank and state-directed productive credit.
Fiori slams the ECB/Federal Reserve policy of saving the banks from their own "derivatives folly," by directing all of the money which should go to the real economy, to financial speculation instead. He notes that the political class has failed to make any serious proposals to deal with the situation, or even to tell the truth. Fiori then calls for a bankruptcy reorganization of the financial system, investment in large-scale infrastructure and technological research. He twice refers to Spannaus's previous articles in the text.
Unfortunately, he also gives a secondary mention to an article by the zombie-duo Lettieri-Raimondi, which shows the problematic role this operation is playing. However, he does not fall for the Bolha Brasil, as he again cites Spannaus on the risk of an explosion that could bring down certain European banks.