Egypt Upheaval Is
Symptom of Global Collapse
Jan. 31, 2011 (EIRNS)—Russia Today, the government-backed English-language Russian TV channel, today broadcast a live interview with Lyndon LaRouche in their 11:00 p.m. (Moscow time) news roundup. After reports from an RT reporter in the streets of Cairo, including speculation about foreign support for an overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, the anchorwoman turned to LaRouche for clarification. The video segment is the last item on this website page of Russia Today. Russia Today preceded the video of its interview with LaRouche, with this quote from him:
"We are not dealing with a problem which is caused by interference in countries. There are many meddlers in this process, the British in particular—very actively meddling in this situation, but that's not what the cause of the problem is."
The transcript of the LaRouche interview segment is printed below.
RT: More on all this, has chief political activist and founder of Executive Intelligence Review magazine Lyndon LaRouche. Many thanks for joining us here on RT.
Now, some of Egypt's opposition members have their headquarters in London. Why there, particularly?
Lyndon LaRouche: Well, you're not dealing with a problem which is caused by interference in countries. There are many meddlers in this process. The British in particular are very actively meddling in the situation, but that's not what the cause of the problem is. We're at the tail-end of a general breakdown crisis of the current international monetary-financial system, and also the physical-economic system, as a result.
What's coming from the British, who are controlling a good about 70% of the world's banking, and what's coming out of the United States, under the current President, is not doing anything to solve this problem, but making it worse. Now, all parties are playing the situation, but the usual thing that gets out in the press is not the story. What's coming out in the press are the shadows cast by the story. As in Egypt. Egypt is not the guilty party here. The situation is desperate throughout the Maghreb, and through the Middle East: insecurity, collapse, economic breakdown, everything is there! So you have a breakdown crisis in process. Then you have the people who are playing it, and you have some people who are patriotic, and I think at the present time, the Egyptian government is playing a very crafty role, in trying to live out the storm, in hopes of coming back to some kind of stability. The problem the Egyptian government has, is that economic crisis does not give it, or any other nation right now, much of an option for stabilizing their situation.
RT: Well, looking further at this outside involvement now, the U.S. has always backed President Mubarak, and now, Britain is harboring people who are fighting for him to step down. So, how likely is it, to draw a wedge, do you think, between London and Washington over what's happening in Egypt?
LaRouche: Well, there is a certain sense, in that you have the Secretary of State of the United States, Mrs. Clinton, is playing one policy, which I think most people abroad, in the world, would favor. But the President of the United States, who is nothing but a British puppet, with some mental problems, is actually making the crisis worse. We have an internal crisis in the United States, as a result of the current President's economic policy, which is a continuation of his predecessor's problem.
So, this is the situation. We're now in a general crisis, throughout civilization, with some points being the high points, in which there's very little being done, to solve the problem, and for many countries, such as those in Europe, especially in Western and Central continental Europe, there's nothing much they can do about it. The Irish situation, with Gerry Adams, typifies the fact that there are forces, which are moving for stability. But the forces which are the international London-centered banking system, financial system, Wall Street-centered, for example, is the cause of this particular problem.
We could solve this problem, very quickly—not solve it completely—but bring it under control globally, with cooperation among leading states. But that cooperation, now, is not presently forthcoming.
RT: All right, Mr. Lyndon LaRouche, many thanks for your thoughts there. Political analyst and founder of Executive Intelligence Review magazine, speaking to us there about what's happening in Egypt, at the moment. Many thanks.