Egyptian Transition Moves Forward,
But Economic Crisis Deepens
Feb. 15, 2011 (EIRNS)—The Supreme Military Command of Egypt is moving rapidly forward with the promised transition to a new elected government, holding meetings with both the leaders of the youth movement from Tahrir Square and the Muslim Brotherhood. A Constitutional Committee has been appointed, to propose modifications to the Constitution, to set the basis for legitimate elections for both the Parliament and the Presidency. According to Egyptian sources, the Commission is representative (two of the eight commissioners including the nominal chairman, are from the Muslim Brotherhood), and includes some of the most respected and qualified constitutional law scholars in the country. According to the sources, the current interim cabinet is likely to be replaced, within the next 10-14 days, to remove the last remaining figures with close ties to the corrupt "businessmen" who came to dominate over the past 15 years, since the privatization drive began.
Both Egyptian and American sources have emphasized that the collapse of the economy and the level of debt pose an immediate and overwhelming problem. Reportedly, the Foreign Minister has made emergency calls to Washington, Riyadh, and several European capitals, seeking emergency aid to provide for basic needs of the population. This underscores Lyndon LaRouche's warnings that the Egyptian situation can only be understood and solved in the context of a global policy revolution that overturns all the policies and axioms of the British Empire and Wall Street.
According to these sources, workers' associations are conducting strikes throughout the country, and the Supreme Military Council has asked both the youth leaders and the Muslim Brothers to use their influence to bring some level of stability, while emergency measures and international aid programs are put in place to solve the most immediate emergencies. The longer- term problem to be addressed, is the collapse of Egypt's infrastructure, including the energy grid, water management, and transportation.