LaRouche Praises Japan for Courageous, Sane Response to Catastrophe
March 13, 2011 (EIRNS)—Lyndon LaRouche today stated that
"Japan is to be praised, above all, for its courage and stolidity and the excellent preparations which it had for dealing with such contingencies as the current crisis. Even though it's almost impossible to have precautionary measures for a catastrophe of such a magnitude, Japan has done an excellent job, and has responded to it with stoicism, which is highly commendable by other nations of the world generally."
"In a world where Europe has gone insane, where many parts of the U.S. have also gone insane, Japan, which has taken this great blow from nature and the sun and yet is stoically functioning, is to be praised for its equanimity. Likewise, those scientists in Russia and elsewhere that have also echoed the serenity and sense of responsibility shown in Japan itself."
LaRouche was responding to the Japanese government's prompt, sane response over the weekend to the Friday earthquake (now estimated at 9.0 on the Richter scale) and ensuing tsunami, whose death toll is going up by the hour, in the context of at least 100,000 people being missing. On the much-publicized emergency around the Fukushima Kaiichi nuclear reactors, the Japanese government moved on Saturday to control damage at Kaiichi 1 by flooding it with seawater mixed with boron, which kills radioactive neutrons, and then had to repeat a similar procedure on Sunday at Kaiichi 3.
Contrary to the plentiful, anti-scientific fear-mongering among the international media and the Greenies ("We cannot master nature, nature rules us," said the parliamentary leader of Germany's Green party, Renate Kuenast), Russian Academician Yevgeni Velikhov, president of the Kurchatov Institute National Research Center, stated March 12 that a Chernobyl-style accident will not happen in Japan. Other nuclear experts, even in the United Kingdom, have since echoed that view, noting that "There is no risk of an extensive radiation leak into the surrounding areas. The worst-case scenario is it's just going to be more difficult to clean up," in the words of Robin Grimes, director of the Center for Nuclear Engineering at Imperial College, London.
LaRouche characterized Velikhov as the crucial person who has the best overview of the scientific issues involved. LaRouche added:
"So what we have, is exemplary sanity coming from the following quarters: In the United States, from us; in Germany and other parts of Europe, from some in the scientific community, contrary to the Greenies; from Russia, from Velikhov and company; and in general from Japan. They have done a magnificent job in handling one of the greatest assaults on civilization which the sun has brought upon us with great flare."