LPAC-TV Posts Interview
You Won't Want To Miss, on the
Science of Forecasting Earthquakes
April 12, 2011 (EIRNS)—Professor Sergey Pulinets, a researcher of earthquake precursors at the Fiodorov Institute of Applied Geophysics and the Moscow Center for Ionosphere Monitoring, was interviewed by BüSo organizer Daniel Grasenack-Tente at the 2011 European Geosciences Conference this past week. The 50 minute interview has now been posted at the Lyndon LaRouche PAC.
LPAC described the interview as follows:
"Professor Pulinets detailed a fascinating approach for examining earthquake precursors. In the 50-minute interview, Pulinets outlines an approach for earthquake forecast preparation, which he says requires looking at a complex of physical and chemical processes, from the Earth's crust, all the way up through the multiple layers of the atmosphere.
"He continues, laying out the exciting potential, that we, humankind, are not sufficiently utilizing the full extent of what humanity understands about these processes. In fact he expresses the conviction, that qualified forecasts can be made for the regions of Japan, California, Mexico, and the Mediterranean with a team of just ten people. Currently active technologies are already refined enought to issue warnings: this is an issue of not having the necessary support and human resources to make this type of earthquake precursor warning system work, and as a result, thousand upon thousands of people are dying from earthquakes which could have been forecast."