Iceland Parliamentarian to the World:
‘If We Can Do It, You Can Do It!’
April 21, 2011 (EIRNS)—Icelandic parliamentarian Birgitta Jónsdóttir issued an international appeal today, calling on people throughout the world to reject a "banking system that is unacceptable," and to refuse to "let them scare you into submission." Jónsdóttir, speaking on behalf of the majority of the Icelandic population which refused to agree to a taxpayer bailout of a major private bank, despite massive pressure, was speaking to Michelle Rasmussen of EIR and the Danish Schiller Institute. The full 27-minute interview is currently posted on Lyndon LaRouche PAC-TV.
Throughout the interview, Jónsdóttir elaborated on the efforts that were taken to try to get Iceland to take on the private debt of those she called the "banksters," who, as far as she could tell, were running a Ponzi scheme. She praised Iceland's President Grimsson, and expressed pride in the Icelandic population, for their actions in rejecting this pressure. Grimsson refused to sign a bill authorizing the bailout, and on April 10 the Icelandic population approved a referendum overturning the bailout law.
Jónsdóttir emphasized that every country in the world, especially others in the crisis-wracked European Union, faces exactly the same problem as Iceland. She said she "hoped this [the Iceland rejection] will be an inspiration for others."
Asked by Rasmussen about LaRouche's proposal for Glass-Steagall, and told that a bill restoring Glass-Steagall has now been introduced into the House of Representatives, Jónsdóttir declared that she fully supported the idea. There should be a similar standard in Europe as well, she added.