New Interviews on Earthquake
Forecasting on LaRouche PAC-TV
April 21, 2011 (EIRNS)—Speaking to Lyndon LaRouche PAC in Vienna, Japan's earthquake-precursor scientist and professor at the University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo, Yasuhide Hobara, pointed to charts showing the radio signals he and his colleagues received at least two days before the huge 9.0 earthquake and tsunami that destroyed parts of Japan's Honshu island and took at least 25,000 lives. Hobara said that over the last ten years, they have set up at least five stations in Japan that receive radio signals indicating stress-related activities in the ionosphere. They simultaneously measure the mean amplitude, distortion of frequencies, and the drop in nighttime amplitude. Pointing to the charts, Hobara showed distinct changes in the pattern prior to the time the earthquake actually hit. Hobara is an associate of University of Electro-Communications Emeritus Professor Masashi Hayakawa.
The LPAC team has posted videos on the website,, of interviews with three leading scientists: Prof. Sergey Pulinets, researching earthquake precursors at the Institute of Applied Geophysics and the Moscow Center for Ionosphere Monitoring; Prof. Pier Francesco Biagi, a leading Italian researcher on earthquake precursors; and Professor Hobara—all involved in the scientific work on earthquake precursors.
During his interview, Hobara said this method to pre-determine earthquakes is now developing into an international cooperative effort. Similar networks already exist in Europe, and in South America, where, in Brazil, a group working on radio astronomy is now getting linked up. He also said that there is a great deal of interest in India, where many institutions are now involved in trying to organize parameters to predict earthquakes accurately. Already data exchanges have started between these groups, he pointed out.
Hobara agreed with Lyndon LaRouche PAC that the issue also touches upon national security, and that there is not enough funding available to make these projects more fruitful. Hobara said that before 2000-01, funding was adequate, but no more. He said that this kind of research is not well recognized, but he was confident that if the project gets funded adequately, they would be able to achieve their goal.