Glass-Steagall Bill Gains More Support
May 13, 2011 (EIRNS)—On May 11 Representatives Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) and Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.) became the fifth and sixth Congressmen to sign on the Rep. Marcy Kaptur's H.R. 1489, the bill to restore the Glass-Steagall principle into U.S. law.
Already signed on are Reps. James Moran (D-Va.), John Conyers (D-Mich.), Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-Ill.), and Walter Jones (R-N.C.).
A rapid increase in this roster depends upon an in-depth mobilization within the U.S. population, particularly as members of Congress are about to head home, once again, for a recess. They are likely to find their constituents on their tails, as rage about the economy continues to grow.
Lyndon LaRouche PAC's mobilization has placed the Glass-Steagall bill before a wide array of institutions, including city councils, unions, political clubs, and student groups. So far, only a handful of these resolutions have actually passed. At least three are in the state of Oregon, where the Columbia Pacific Building Trades Council, the Northwest Oregon Labor Council, and the Democratic Committee of Multnomah County have passed resolutions for Glass-Steagall in just the last week.