Mainstream German Press
Picks Up Attack on Schellnhuber
May 16, 2011 (EIRNS)—In response to a vigorous BüSo campaign in Germany against the WBGU, in which the population and leading institutions were targetted, two articles reflecting that campaign, appeared in the weekend editions of two prominent German papers, the Frankfurter Allgemeine and Die Welt,. These two papers had articles attacking the Green mentality and the WBGU masterplan, calling them a script that will lead to an ecology dictatorship, resulting in the repression of the population under green, environmental pretexts. The anti-democratic, anti-nation-building aspect of WBGU leaders Hans Joachim Schellnhuber and his likeminded colleague Claus Leggewie is directly addressed in the Frankfurter Allgemeine, which goes so far as to liken the WBGU to the infamous Committee of Public Safety and its torturing of the French people during the brutal guillotine period of the French Revolution.
Die Welt also seems to reflect a reading of an entire section of the latest BüSo pamphlet attacking Schellnhuber. Die Welt wrote that nature is not at all as the Greens would like to present it, but that in reality nature has always been developing, that most species died out long before man entered the scene, and if nature had wanted not to develop, dinosaurs would still run the world today instead of mankind.