Crisis in the British Monarchy
May 18, 2011—This editorial will appear in the May 20 EIR.
Like the JFK assassination in the United States, there are some crises in Great Britain which will just not "go away." They both erupted this week: first, the fact that the Queen's pet, Tony Blair, lied through his teeth and doctored intelligence reports in order to justify the launching of a disastrous, illegal war against Iraq in 2003; and second, the unresolved question of the 1997 death of Princess Diana.
We will have more to say about these developments in our next issue, but the fact of their surfacing signals some truths about the current strategic situation which should not be ignored.
Succinctly put, the British Monarchy is, like the rest of the world, in an existential crisis. Its dominance in the current global monetarist system could be appropriately compared to the royals holding the premier quarters on the Titanic: It may feel luxurious for the time, but they are headed in the same direction as those stuffed in the lower quarters. As Lyndon LaRouche is fond of putting it: They are going down.
This reality has not been lost on leading circles in Britain, whose elites are deeply divided over how to deal with the accelerating disintegration of the entire Inter-Alpha system; a relatively saner faction is searching for alternatives to what appears to be their inevitable fate. This is the context for the spirited debate which has occurred in that country on subjects which the powers-that-be in the United States will still barely touch, at least in the media: Glass-Steagall, and official criminal behavior, like that of Blair's machinations to launch the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq—not to mention the death under the most suspicious of circumstances of one of Blair's most prominent British critics of those lies, Dr. David Kelly.
The British monarchy's position in this vicious factional battle continues the most bloody, genocidal tradition of that post-1688 institution. As expressed by Prince Philip and his World Wildlife Fund, and echoed by his lunatic son Prince Charles, the monarchy's program echoes the spirit of the Habsburg emperor on the cusp of the Thirty Years War: "Better a wasteland than a land full of heretics." The key difference is that Philip and his coterie of global advocates for deindustrialization, "climate change," and so-called sustainability, consider the vast majority of mankind to be the "heretics," simply because they will challenge the oligarchy's claim to control resources and power to the end of time.
Tellingly, some of the most vocal opponents of Philip's genocidal lunacy also come from Britain, as can be seen in the devastatingly effective attacks waged by the likes of Lord Christopher Monckton, against the climate change hoax. And, of course, the vast majority of working people there find themselves in strong, although largely impotent, opposition to the monarchy's genocide policy.
The United States has not only the most vital interest in how this war is resolved, but also has the ability to positively determine the outcome. The key lies with the immediate implementation of the Glass-Steagall principle, which will cut loose these predator bankers, whose home is in London with the monarchy faction. That act alone will tilt the balance globally—and not a moment too soon.
Meanwhile, our so-called President plans another pilgrimage to the Queen next week—to pay homage as owed by such a British puppet. What better occasion to kick him out of office—and give a shove to the hated monarchy as well.