Building Bipartisan, Grass-Roots
Support for Glass-Steagall
July 15, 2011 (EIRNS)—The two latest signers today to H.R. 1489, the Glass-Steagall bill introduced in the House Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), demonstrate the potential to consolidate a patriotic majority, above party, to save the republic, by passing Glass-Steagall. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.) is the co-chair of the Progressive Caucus, and has been increasingly combative against the policies of British puppet Obama, from the "left." Rodney Alexander is a hard-core "right-wing" Republican from Monroe, a very poor, depressed area of Louisiana. They represent the potential for a true alliance of principle.
With Alexander, it is of note, that long-time chapter activist and Schiller Institute board member Fred Huenefeld has been educating him for years, and never gave up on him. To push him over the top, he organized an address to the downtown Monroe Rotary Club, and a town meeting, by LaRouche spokesman Harley Schlanger, on the topic of Glass-Steagall in mid-April, which generated significant, straight coverage in the local press, of LaRouche's analysis of the crash, and the Glass-Steagall alternative.
Grijalva and Alexander bring the total number of cosponsors to 26, of whom four are Republicans. An additional Glass-Steagall bill, introduced by Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-N.Y.), has 5 cosponsors, some of whom are also signers on the Kaptur bill.
Of equal importance, is the fact that there is accelerating momentum among grassroots organizations to build support for the restoration of the Glass-Steagall bill. As of July 15, two state AFL-CIO bodies have sent letters to their Congressmen to this effect: Kentucky and New Jersey. They are joined by the Wisconsin state IAM (70,000 members) and many other trade unions, as well as a growing number of city councils, and now, Democratic Party organizations as well.
As the drive for the imposition of fascist austerity measures, allegedly as part of the debt ceiling "solution," grows, the drive for the only alternative to this insanity, Glass-Steagall, is bound to accelerate. The question is, will patriots get their act together in time?