More Motion on Glass-Steagall
July 26, 2011 (EIRNS)—The number of cosponsors to Rep. Marcy Kaptur's bill to restore Glass-Steagall (H.R. 1489) jumped to 32 as of July 26, as four more Democrats added their names. They are
- Tammy Baldwin (Wisconsin)
- Donna Christensen (Virgin Islands)
- Bob Filner (California), and
- Al Green (Texas).
At the same time, the grass roots mobilization behind immediate action to restore this FDR legislation is growing more broadly. The huge California Federation of Labor, for example, passed a resolution demanding Congress reinstate Glass-Steagall with H.R. 1489 on July 21; the Northwest Washington Central Labor Council did the same on July 20. These actions reflect intense organizing activity and discussions in both states, including especially the Washington State Democratic Party local organizations, half a dozen of whom have passed emergency resolutions on behalf of H.R. 1489.
However, supporters of the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee report maddening disregard on the part of many of their representatives, in response to calls and visits. These offices can anticipate escalating pressure in the days ahead.